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More Cricket Rowing, Boxing, and Horse Racing Reports From 1863
This next section consists of reports for rowing, boxing, horse racing, and cricket. There are 33 pages in all. 13 of theses contain are non- cricketing material 4 are Rowing 2 are Boxing and 7 are Horse Racing. Only the 20 pages in total of cricket will be transcribed with commentary if appropriate with one exception. The exception are the rowing pages. I make this exception because of the rowing match between Chambers and Green. This particular match holds importance for Australian rowing enthusiasts because one of the rowers Richard Green was Australia's first professional sculling champion. I feel for the lovers of rowing that these pages need to be transcribed containing as they do a "Wisden" style match report. I include these well written rowing reports because in and of themselves they are of interest not without interst to the casual reader. This report will appear at the end of this section. Of interest too is that some of these reports are for schools cricket. Surely these reports provided the original source and motivation for including Schools reports in later Wisdens. Finally there is one other important non-cricketing page deserving of comment on page 75 of the manuscript that relates to the Wisden first edition.
In the 1864 first edition of Wisden there are a number of lists, the list of winners of the university boat race, the list of winners of the Derby, St.Leger, and the Oaks horse races, the list of societies and the list of the canals of Great Britain and theuir lengths.
As explained earlier the list of the winners of the university boat race has provably come from this manuscript. This list of champions of the Thames together with the list of the university boat race winners and to come soon a short list of the winners of the Goodwood races make it most likely that the author of this manuscript is a more probable source for these lists and quite possibly/probably the other lists than Wisden.
SURREY v 14 OF HAMPSHIRE Oval June 15th 16th and 17th
???? and very pleasant, meant to supply the place of the Cambridge match which from want of money - other causes was not to come off. SURREY 109 & 297 HUmphrey 4 & 61 Caesar 35 & 59 - Mortlock 9 & 37 Caffyn 21 & 17 Dowson 3 & 24. Stephenson 3 & 24 Sewell 17 & 23 Lockyer 4 & 15 - Extras 0 & 24 - Hampshire 117 and 131- Holmes 2 & 44 W.Humphrey (t. Humphreys brother) 31 & 8 Capt. 17 & 6 N.W. Wallace 29 & 1 Garner 7 &13 Eccles 9 &(not out) 12 G.M. Ede 3 & 14 E.L. Ede 8 and 11 Extras - 4 & 4.- Surrey won by 158 runs- ground was in beautiful order. On Thursday & the weather- Runs with that number of good fieldsmen rendered difficult - Frere bowled particularly well - Holmes bowled slows - and took the wickets - the hitting of Caffyn and Caeser - was most brilliant - HAMPSHIRE to their great delight put 117 on paper. leading their opponents. Wallace a good 29 - Tom Humphrey a capital 31 Capt. Walton 17 - Caffyn was on the spot and they could not do much with him - Whale also bowled well Tuesday - the ground was not in such good run making order - nand slow mizzle kept coming down - they stuck to it T. Humphrey 61 with one chance I believe a long pains taking hand & occasionally enlivened with a big hit - most of the others played well. Caesar's 59 was a madel of both hitting and defence - the fielding was not so good - allowance must be made for a wet ball- the out fielding was capital Stewart was good at the wicket - the in fielding was bad and the longstop the worst I ever saw Frere bowled well 9 maiden overs in succession and a wicket in the next. Wednesday - they finished the Surrey 2nd inns & the Hampshire made their effort to win but the fielding of Surrey and the general discipline of the eleven is wonderful - Caffyn again made it hot for them- with his bowling and got 2 catches (one a very difficult one) Mortlock was successful with his slows - Whale bowled rather well but he missed two of te easiest chances and never gets a run_ Analysis Surrey Frere 147b - 36r - 20m.o. 5wkts & 2221b - 72 r - 21m. o. 6wkts - Holmes 116b 43r 10m.o. - 3wkts & 96b - 24r - 11m.o. 4 wides - Russell 68b - 17r - 5m.o. & 124b - 34r - 12m.o. Capt Walton - 40b -13r - 3m.o. 2wkts 2nd inns only W.humphrey 48b - 24r - 3m.o. 1wkt - Eccles 24b - 8r - 1m.o. Case 24b - 11r - 1wkt - E.l. Ede 28b - 23r - 1m.o. 1wkt - 3 no balls Southerton 60b - 30r - 3m.o. 1wkt - Stewart 28b (slow)5r 5m.o. ten bowlers were on this innings - HANTS Caffyn 136b - 33r - 14m.o. 7wkts and 108b - 46r - 9m.o. 4wkts Whale 120b - 46r - 13m.o. - 2wkts and 64b - 30r - Mortlock 36b - 18r - 2wkts and 75b - 26r 5m.o. 6wkts 1st innings Griffith 16b - 12r - 1wkt - H. Stephenson 36b - 8m.o. 4r - Miller 96b - 25r - 14m.o. 2wkts - the last two in the second innings only . Caffyns analysis was capital in both innings - Mortlocks - twisters most successful in the second inns - Stephenson bowled very well indeed tho' unlucky with wickets - In the last innings of Hants - some of the best batting of the match took place - holmes's 44 was most creditable including some very fine drives- he had two escapes however - & made some very pokey hits - The two Edes, Garnier Stewart - Eccles (not out) & Southerton played capitally for their runs - a most pleasant match the 14 as nice a set of gentlemanly men as i ever saw on a cricket field. May it become an annual match.
M.C.C.and GROUND V OXFORD UNIVERSITY LORDS - June 18th M.C.C. 31 and 53 - Grundy 7 &(not out) 20 Bignall 8 and 1 Capt. Clement (not out) 7 & 9 - Extras 0 & 13 OXFORD 104 Garnier 34. F.R. Evans 13. S. Linton 10 H. Bull 11 S. Young 9 Wright 21 Mitchell 0! Extras 17 The fast shouting bowling of Oxford proved most destructive - Oxford won in one innings by 20 runs the wickets tho very fair were difficult. Garnier played a fine innings - Teape got 6 wickets - R.D. Walker 5 - Scott 5 - Voules 5 - Wooton 7 wickets Grundy 3 - This is the second time this year that Oxford has administered pepper to the M.C.C.
SURREY V 14 OF CAMBRIDGEUNIVERSITY - OVAL June 18-19-20th - SURREY 117 and 99 - Caffyn 25 by beautiful play ( one magnificent drive for 5) - several fine cuts for 2 and 3. - Humphrey a steady 17 - Dowson unintentionally run out 18 - Burbridge a most excellent steady not out innings of 24 - Cambridge took the bat and knocked the runs off over night - Lyttleton and de Grey playing magnificently. - the former however was let off a sharp snick? wicket hit by Dowson - when he had not got 10 - after that he played in the grandest style, cuts,- leg hits and drives. De Grey - played in very fine and particularly steady style - occasionally some fine hits. he was missed one at the close of his innings. I arrived at the Oval rather late in time to see Caffyn floor the stumpsof Lyttleton and De Grey. - How bitterly they must have deplored Dowson's mistake - giving away all but 100 runs m'neile - got 13 mortlock bowled Marshall 3rd ball (he is not in play again) Daniel was unlucky run out for nothing - Lyttleton 101 (excepting the unaccepted chance) was magnificent- so was De Grey - he has I think the finest defence except perhaps Carpenter the finest defence of any man in England - Collins got a quick 25 Balfour 14 - Booth carried out his bat for an excellent 59- hitting freely all round and showed & showed great defence.
The bowling of Plowden in the 1st inns and the second was capital. - Collins also was good Grant with great speed and tolerably straight got 6 wickets in the first innings - Lyon Plowden Ferbler and Dyne did nothing. Hope Grant gave two heaves to the pavillion for 4 and a cut for 2 when Lockyer stumped him from Caffyn - on the whole treated the best, but Surrey never got such a towelling and their bowling was treated with great disdain. I need hardly say that the fielding of Gumbridge was magnificent. Marshall as longstop - Daniel Balfour who made two splendid catches - long drives one of which was off Caffyn. Lyttleton took point the first innings - some body else taking the wicket in the second he took the wicket one and all fielded magnificently - Surrey were ingloriously defeated in one innings by 95 runs - the effect of this match was to reduce the betting in the Oxford and Cambridge to evens-
Gentleman of Sussex and Wilts - Brighton June 15th 16t and 17th Sussex win getting no less than 149 runs. Wilts were deprived of five of their best men - The wicket was splendid. Sir F. Bathurst pronounced them too good. Wilts 81 and 76 - Lt.Col Bathurst 7 & 24 - G. Manning 20 & 9 - Sutton 0 & 12 - Kaye 6 & 13 - T.Wells 14 and (not out) 2 - R.Cobb (not out ) 10 &2 Extras 4 &0 Wickets Stubberfield 9 - Ellis 6 - Sussex 449! J.Hale 28 - C.H.Smith 71 - W. Hodson 59 - Ellis 0 S.A. Leigh 162 - E.R Turne 41 - C. Horwood 67 - E.W.Napper ? Stubberfield and Austin small figures - Extras 18 Sir Bathurst got tqwo wickets Brampton G. Kaye 2- Sussex winning in one innings to 292 runs ! It seems a shame their playing Ellis and Stubberfield two players -
OXFORD and CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITIES Lords June 22nd 23rd - Cambridge 65 and 61 Hon. T. De Grey 12 and 24. Hon C. Lyttlteton (noyt out ) 19 and 0 - G. F. Helm 0 and 11 wickets Teape 6 Voules 8 Scott 3 Extras 10 and 3 - the bowling of Oxford was tremendous - and the balls shot frightfully fielding grand. De Grey shewing his noble defence in both innings and what hits he made werec good. - Lyttleton brought out his bat for 19 - including three 3s and a five . Extraordinary to say Oxford all down for 59 through the very excellent bowling of Cambridge . Wright Mitchell Inge and Voules all doing nothing - F.R.Evans played a very fine innings of of 25 which contained three fours and three 3s. R.D. Walker the bowling of Collins - Oxford 59 and 68 F.R. Evans 25 and not out 5 F.G. Inge 5 and not out 48 R.D. Walker 10 - 88 Oxford winning by 8 wickets . The wicket must have played better on Tuesday than Monday - Inge Daniel Marshall and Lyttleton for their sides except that Daniels fielding and the wonderful catch at the leg will be ever remembered & Marshall's longstop superb. The Cambridge did not play up . Inge's batting was superb . Oxford thus winning the 1st match for 4 years
The next 4 and a half pages are Horse Racing reports to be followed by more Cricket reports and including Schools Cricket Reports
This annual contest came off at Tunbridge Wells June 22 23rd. Monday and Tuesday . Throughout the day the weather was fine, the wickets towards the after part of the day played well, but they were rather slow - when Kent went in. Caffyn off 8 b Burton very soon and Lockyer at Fryer from Sewell *( It should read And Fryer caught Lockyer off Sewell)Willsher and Bennett made a good stand when Sewell made a fine catch from his own bowling. Wilsher retiring for a well got 21. Bennett was then bowled Caffyn 24. Mr Davis after making a fine cut for 3 was neatly caught in the slips. Goodhew retired from Caffyn after 2 threes &. Griffith was put on at Sewell's end - and the first ball Mr. Kelson was caught by the bowler, with a good 12 a 4 drive over the ropes a leg hit from Sewell for 3 - Mr Barber was caught mid off after a fine off drive - Wenman played well dfor10 and brought his bat out. Surrey then took the bat . 1st wicket fell for 26 _ Mortlock being well on in his 13 _ was ca fine leg hit - Griffith ran in to Fryer - Humphrey by a good defence and leg hits and Caffyn's assistance raised the score from 27 to 59 Burbridge was unfortunately run out . Dowson joined Caffyn who punished Baker's left hand ones _ that Morton went on second over - he hit to leg, nearly to the top of the tent for 4 - Dowson who was just getting settled caught Wenman off Fryer 81. Lockyer and Caffyn scored rapidly - when 110 were up - Wilsher still bowling well resigned to to Baker. Caffyn drove on for 4 off for 3 - then Lockyer was bowled. 6 for 135 Caeser had only been in a short time - when Caffyn who had added a fine drive for 4 was caught at deep cover point very finely by Bennett 7 for 138. Caffyn well played for 70 included three 4's ten 3's five 2's & Stephenson and Caeser retained their wickets - till the close of the day. When the total 148 or 55 ahead and 3 wickets to fall- On Tuesday it looked more promising & the weather became the very thing wanted for cricket. Stephenson and Caeser were
not seperated until 180 was up when the former was given out leg before - Sewell and Caeser scored very rapidly - Wilsher took Bennett's end, by this time 200 was up when 12 were added Caeser's wicket fell for 34, doubtless a fine innings - he is playing very well again this year. Sewell was caught at short leg for 26. I see a marked improvement in this player since last year - in his batting and fielding (not only) but in his bowling. - I will not believe.- 2nd innings of Kent was commenced by Fryer and Mr Norton. Caffyn and Griffith bowling. In Griffith's 3d Mr. Norton was caught at slip. Wenman was caught at wicket. Bennett drove back an easy catch to the bowler 24 and Fryer was caught at wicket 20 runs and 4 wickets lowered . The bowling of Griffith with his arm returned to him was magnificent - Caffyn too was well on - Goodhew and Wilsher were in when dinner was called. On resuming Willsher who had made a fine drive to the off now cut one from Griffith for 3 - and Goodhew who played well to leg for 3 and 2 & singles from Caffyn was well caught at short leg. 5 for 37 Kelson got three singles - 6 for 40 - Wilsher was then caught at cover 7 for 44 - Mr. Barber immediately drove the ball back to the bowler - Burton followed Kelson and Davison succeeded Barber and both played freely and well . Till Davison sent a sharp hit to mid off and it was so quickly returned by Miller that Burton had not time to get home. - Baker and Davison played well
Burton followed Kelson and Davison succeeded Barber and both played freely and well . Till Davison sent a sharp hit to mid off and it was so quickly returned by Miller that Burton had not time to get home. - Baker and Davison played well together and got the score up to 84 - Baker then hit a ball back sharply to Griffith and Davison bringing out his bat for a finely played innings of 25. This was Kent defeated by Surrey in one innings with 41 runs to spare . There was a good attendance on the ground - but had it been a closer contest doubtless many more would have been present v. The most 9????) wished in the neighbourhood did come -
SURREY winning in one innings with 41 runs to spare
ANALYSIS KENT- Caffyn 140b -17m.o. - 40r - 5 wkts and 124b - 9m.o. - 48r - 2 wickets - Griffith 18b - 3m.o. - 4r - 3 wkts and 124b - 14m.o. - 36r - 7wkts- Surrey Wilsher 184b - 21m.o. - 52r - 2wkts Fryer 68b - 1m.o - 29r - 2wkts - Bennett 116b - 8m.o. - 57r - 2wkts - baker 74b - 3m.o. - 58r - 3wkts W.S. Norton 44b - 1m.o - 22 runs
*QUIDNUNCS V HARLEQUINS - Lords Thursday and Friday June 25th and 26th - and terminated in easy defeat for Quidnuncs Q's 158 and 100 - A.W.Daniel 74 and not out (hurt) 32 - Hon. T. De Grey 5 and 22 - H. M. Upcher 24 and 1- Hon. H.Strutt (not out) 17 and 3 - Stacey 8 and 15 - Hope Grant 11 and not out 5- Extras 13 and 5- Wickets Traill 10 - Murray 5 -Inge - 2 HARLEQUINS 251 and 8 with 10 wickets to go down)- F.C. Inge 63 - H.S. Murray 13 - E.Hume (not out) 14 - J. W .Haygarth 27 - Extras 47 - wickets Grant 3 - Daniel4 - Plowden 2 HARLEQUINS winning by 10 wickets - Lyttleton got the spectacles !!!
Quidnuncs Cricket club is a club formed for former members of the CUCC . It was formed in 1851 and membership is usually limited to those who have gained a blue in a Varsity match
Harlequins Cricket club was formed in 1852. It consists solely of current and former Oxford University players and membership is usually for life
Horton Road Ground Bradford - Monday Tuesday & Wednesday - June 22 - 3rd and 4th As these two great counties have not previously met - it excited great interest - The ground was in excellent order at the start but rain falling later in the day - it baecame heavy. Notts winning the toss elected to go in first - J. Smith ( substitute for Brampton) and C. Daft to the bowling of hodgson and Slim. E. Stephenson took wicket. Thewlis longstop. Iddison of course point. The score being run up . Atkinson relieved Slim and Smith was eventually run out after playing a creditable innings of 19. One wicket for 34. Grundy had only made 3 when Atkinson bailed him finely- 2 for 38. R.Daft then joined his broother Charles and some very fine bowling of Yorkshire and when 9 more had been put on Charles Daft retired from Hodgson third for 42. George Parr filled the vacancy- and both he and R.Daft showed some brilliant hitting. When the score had realised 76 Daft was run out. - 4 for 76 Mr. E.A. Howsin played with Parr until the score when Slim took Parrs stumps - 5 for 90 Alfred Clarke succeeded Parr and Hodgson bowled Mr. Howsin. I forgot to say that Parr made his 19 in most excellent style - 6 for 96 - Jackson came next & played a ball for which they tried a run - but Jackson was not quick enough and got run out 7 for 96 - Biddulph and hit to leg for 2 - but lost his partner - bowled by Hodgson. - R.C.Tinley came in and soon lost his partner bowled by Hodgson. Being bowled by a trimmer from Slim - G Wootton the last man then came in and they punished the bowling - Tinley in particular played very well among his hits was a magnificent one for 3 - worth 6 on any other ground - Atkinson had to be brought on and after a good stand had been made that bowler "shied" Wootton out making the fourth run out. There must have been great ill luck or very bad judgement to cause so many run outs - the bowling of Yorkshire was very good throughout and the fielding except a miss each to John Berry and Thewlis was of a high order. After about 15 minutes
delay Yorkshire took the wicket to drizzling rain- a bye was scored in WootTons first over and then JACKSON scattered John Berry's stumps - first for 1 Rowbotham came scored one and there was a leg bye when the stumps were drawn on Tuesday - The weather was beautiful and before play was resumed some hundreds of persons were on the ground Rowbotham and Thewlis took their places- Wootton opened the bowling at the top end- and Jackson followed at the other - Wootton's first was a maiden and three runs were scored off Jacksons but on Woottons next Rowbothams wicket was upset. E. Stephenson came next and Thewlis made some fine hits including two fine cuts for three off each off Wootton - E. Stephenson was missed by Daft at mid wicket off but in Jackson's next fluked one straight up which Biddulph - secured third for 33. Mr. Wand now joined Thewlis who was batting admirably . he was unfortunately thrown out by the bowler. Anderson next appeared - after he had scored a couple Thewlis was missed by Smith at mid o, the fielder having the sun in his eyes- and the ball coming very sharp- Anderson made a few swipers off Jackson straight and was missed by Smith . This pair making a stand. Grundy was put on at Wootton's end - but runs were scored fast until Jackson bowled Anderson - five for 75 - Iddisson now joined Thewlis and continued to score. Tinley was brought on at Jackson's. Thewlis was missed by Tinley (one hand) Thewlis was however "done" by the slows after making two good leg hits off them - Biddulph (greatly improving in his wicket keeping) putting down the wicket like lightning - 6 foir 92 . Thewlis scored 46 in first rate style barring his chances - and neither seemed to have been easy - and was deservedly applauded - as he left his wicket - E. Dawson appeared in time to see Iddison's stumps floored - without any addition to the score - 7 for 92 - G. Atkinson then faced Dawson and Jemmy gave them some rare overs - Tinley getting hit for 3 when Jackson again took the ball and singles being scored in his first over - 100 runs were posted on the telegraph - Both players made some clean drives, and runs were scored fast- and when 110 was up - Wootton took Grundy's end - but still runs were scored fast and 120 was up. Atkinson narrowly missing a run out. Soon after this Tinley was again substituted for Jackson but in Wootton's over Dawson was very cleverly taken at cover point by Mr. Howsin off Wootton - 8 for 129- Dawson scored 19 by some heavy hits and as Hodgson was preparing to follow him dinner was announced - The innings of Yorkshire closed for 144 or 16 ahead - but had the latter (Notts ) side fielded in anything like form we should question if such a result could be arrived at - but as it was - Notts could not have fielded worse or played with worse luck - After a short delay - Notts went in for their second innings Tinley and Charles Daft commencing - to the bowling of Hodgson and Slim- This pair got well in and made runs fast - which brought on Atkinson to the relief of Slim- the result was Tinley's wicket from a straight ball of Hodgson's - 34 for 1 wicket Tinley's score was 24 and in good style made rapidly.
J.Smith followed and C.Daft made a fine cut for 3 off Hodgson - Smith cut for 2 and was bowled in the same over - second for 40 - R. Daft now joined his brother and both played carefully - bringing on Iddison and his slows which proved fatal to Charles 3d for 51 George Parr went next - a tremendous leg hit of his was held by Slim- it seemed as if the ball must go through him - fourth for 51. Mr. Howsin drove the slows, then a fluky hit both for two's but was bowled next over. Six for 55 - Jackson now appeared and 8 runs were added by Daft and him - after which E Stephenson stumped Jackson off Iddison - seven for 63 - Claarke succeeded Jackson and scored off both bowlers who were bowling well - until he hit his wicket to the slow bowler - ninth for 80- Wootton the lastman joined Daft who had played in his usual fine style and after 8 runs were added he was bowled by a slow- The Notts second innings therefore closed for 88 runs only - which left the Yorkshiremen only 73 to win - Atkinson never bowled better than in this innings and Iddison's slows were a caution to the Nottingham players who somehow seemed to muff them - This closed the play for the day - throughout the day the ground was well patronised and £100 was taken and a little more - On Wednesday the ground was in wonderful condition and the weather very fine which at one made it patent that Notts's chance was hopeless. Play commenced at twelve an hour later - John Berry and Thewlis wielding the willow - Jackson whilst Wooton took the top, used the other or bottom wicket. Wootton did not seem suited- Notts fielding worse than schoolboys Thewlis a single off Jackson and the next ball Berry played a ball into Tinley's hands at long slip. Thewlis played well for 26 but he was missed twice and Mr. Waud once - though except for that one mistake a better innings than his could not be seen - he brought out his bat for 34- when 32 runs were up Thewlis was bowled by Tinley. E. Stephenson followed him and Notts being as bad as ever in the field runs were scoredvery fast 40, 50, 60and 70 were exhibited in quick succession - after this Stephenson made the winning hit for 3 off Tinley and Nottinghamshire were defeated by 8 wickets. At the close of the match the usual prizes were distributed by Lieut. Col. Hurst io the most successful players- R. Daft, Thewlis and Mr. Waud and Jackson both received balls - the match was both remunerative and attractive and but for the sorry fielding of Notts and muffing of the slows would no doubt have excited more interest . Return match will
Scorecard Nottinghamshire v Yorkshire
YORKSHIRE 2ND INNS. John Berry caught Tinley b Jackson 0 Thewlis b Tinley 16 E. Stephenson (not out ) 22 B.W. Waud Esq. (not out) 34 - bye 1 YORKSHIRE winning by 8 wickets - umpires Burlison and E. Tinley ANALYSIS Notts Hodgson 304b - 44m.o. - 52r - 3wkts - and 76b - 6m.o. - 25r - 2wkts - Slim 168b - 24m.o. - 42r - 2wkts - and 36b - 3 m.o. - 12r - Atkinson 182b - 16 m.o. 28r - 1wkt and 105b 19 m.o. 16r - 1 wkt - 2nd innings Iddison 66b 4 m.o. - 30r - 7wkts YORKSHIRE - Jackson 164 b - 13m.o. - 45 r - 3wkts - and 92b 12m.o. - 23r - 1wkt - Wootton 184b - 13 m.o. - 454r - 3wkts - and 64b - 9m.o. - 18r - Tinley 41b - 2m.o. - 25r - and 93b - 8m.o. - 31r - 1wkt-
SUSSEX V KENT Brighton - Sussex C. Ground June 25th 6th 7th
This old annual contest came off commenced at the Sussex County ground on Thursday 25th. During the winter Box before he left had taken the greatest pains with the ground well knowing the importance of the question. The deluge of rain which fell during the thunderstorm on Wednesday night had not improved the ground. Therefore Sussex who had lost the toss on 4 occasions this year were put in by their wise opponents. Mr E. R. Fawcett played in place of John Lillywhite suffering from an attack of gout. Several changes took place in the Kent eleven Neither of the Messrs Norton Baron Barber or Baker. Some of these changes were in favour of Sussex. Messrs Hale and Smith advanced to the wickets. Bennett and Willsher bowling - The object being to keep up their wickets - as every quarter of an hour improved the ground. Mr. Hale - Mr Hale made two fine drives for 4 a 3 and a 2- and Willsher being hit. Mr Lipscombe went on at the marine end. In Bennetts next over Smith was clean bowled for 7 - 1 for 27 - Southerton now joined Mr. Hale but Lipscombe who has improved immeasurably in form since last year - floored Mr. Hale - two for 27 - Wells who followed played steadily and when the score had reached 48 Southerton was caught at point (cover) with a score of 12 third for 48. Ellis was next and Fryer lost a fine chance of stumping Wells who had been ticed out by Bennett. After this let off considerable punishment was administered by both and Willsher tried once more, and lost many runs in consequence. Fryer went on at the other end . Mr Kelson taking the gauntlets - Ellis drove Willsher for 5 a rare hit. Wells was very tame and lost many runs in consequence - he batted in capital form.
Ellis, although he made some very fine hits was not quite up to his usual standard of excellence. He drove Fryer straight ahead for a beauty - he then had a narrow escape at long on when he skied one to long on, which was missed by Bennett who had a long way to run - Just before this he had driven him for 3 and made a fine leg for 4 - meanwhile off Lipscombe - Goodhew had been tried with his double curl?. Wells made another fine off drive for 4 - and then Ellis was amazed at Bennett catching him mid - on easily for 34 - consisting of three 4's one 3 - four 2's & Fourth out for 110. - It being half past 2 dinner was called and after a capital spread, not duly patronised as it deserved by the Brighton people. Mr Hodgson joined Wells and commenced with a magnificent leg hit for 4 - Wenman the descendant of the flower of Kent man took the wicket and Hodgson made another magnificent leg hit square out of the ground scoring 6 & then Wells played outside a ball and drew it on his wicket. - he played very well. Johnny Wisden played and hit in his old form and with Mr. Hodgson amassed a deal of leather hunting, bowling was changed again , the slows being put off - Bennett was very high but not called - and Mr. Kelson went on in Willsher's place. Wisden made 2 drives for 4 and 3 and then Willsher changed ends. There was some very fine batting while Hodgson and Wisden were in together. The former converted Bennetts slows into very fast ones after which Wisden was caught by Wenman off Willsher for 33- containing one 4 five 3s one 2 & - sixth for 184. Fawcett who was a little out of practice, but began batting in his usual free style and 190 and 200 were scored up, he however returned one of Bennett's into his hands when he gained 18 seven for 206 - Fillery occupied his place & Hodgson repeated his leg hit out of the ground forv 6 - Fillery commenced - operating on the slows It was only once that two such hits were ever made at Brighton ( by John Walker )he was within an ace of repeating it a 3rd time the next over - Lipscombe demolished his wicket . In his 50 obtained by the most brilliant of play were two 6s - one 5 -two 4s - one 3 four twos and singles .
together 32 - fifth for 97- Kelson came and made a fine drive for 5 - Goodhew then put one into Mr. Hale's hands - his score was 26 - sixth for 106 - Wenman succeeded and Kelson who was now well in gave a chance to Mr. Hale at long off - but the sun shining full in his eyes he did not hold it - he played the slows beautifully - Wenman was all at sea - He got two at square leg off the fourth full pitch which Ellis gave and then hit one to leg which it was quite impossible for Fawcett to reach. Fillerty slipped down in endeavouring to reach one that Kelson hit towards him . Dinner was called to a crowded room. Stubberfield took the bowling, Ellis at the other end. Mr. Hale at length accepted a chance from Kelson who retired for a most excellent innings of 52. seven for 172, he was followed by Mr Walton who was caught off Ellis for 5 by Hale making the fourth he had secured Martin went in and out first ball - eighth for 186 Lipscombe was secured the same way Wenman bringing out his bat for 23. Ellis presented with a new bat . Kent 59 behind - ANALYSIS Lillywhite 132b 18m.o. 42r 2wkts Wisden 44b 23 r 10m.o. Stubberfield 136b 18m.o. 36r Elilis 160b 9m.o. 72r 7wkts - nMr Hale and Stubberfield went to the wicket for Sussex 2nd innings - Willsher and Bennett being assailants - they got runs moderately fast - Mr Hale making a sensational hit for 3 - Willsher went on and and Stubberfield made a good hit and then tamely returned the ball to Bennett - First for 38 - Mr. Smith came next and soon after Mr Hale retired after one of Bennetts "peculiars" second for 45 - his 28 runs were very well put together. The successor was Wells and both quitted the slows until Lipscombe took took Willshers place , and in the second over bowled mr Smirth off his legs- third for 57 - the next wasllis who was missed at short leg - Wells was then caught at slip with one hand by Lipscombe
for 8 - fourth for 65. Mr. Hodgson then put in an appearance - Ellis made his score up to 12 and then was stumped by Fryer- fifth for 76 - Wisden was caught by Goodhew, who was lying deep for him near the bar - sixtrh for 76. Mr Fawcett began with a fine off drive for 3 and then put a ball from the slows into Kelson's paws seventh for 79 - Southerton who lately has been unlucky hit Lipscombe to the tent for 4 and then cut one a la Caffyn and Heyward visited the scoring tent - Willsher then took his place as a bowler - Southerton then made a good cut which did not admit of a second run and Mr. Hodgson was unfortunately eighth for 108 - Fillery now joined Southerton and both kept up their wickets until time was called - 129 being the total with two wickets to fall - On Saturday Southerton and Fillery took their places - the former with 23 to his name and the latter with 6 - Bennett and Lipscombe bowled - southerton was let off at the wicket anbd thenceforward he and his partner 140 - 150- 160 and 170 were added as Willsher's fine bowling was completely beaten off the "Kentish Crack" had recourse to underhand slows but not succeeding - Goodhew was tried - at one o'clock - Lipscombe caused a rattle behind Southerton - he batted in excellent form and was rewarded for his fine score of 51 - this made 9 wickets for 173- young Lilywhite 13 in which was a fine drive for 4 - fillery brought out his bat for a cleverly played 39 - he was also deservedly rearded - total 194 ANALYSIS - Willsher 132b 50r 12m.o. Bennett 232b 70r 19m.o. 8wkts Lipscombe 170b 49r 1 wicket Goodhew 96b 14r 12m.o. Kent had 251 to go in against. It was therefore patent that more time would not allow them to do it. This was rendered even more vcertain when Wisden went on bowling his first 7 overs being maidens and off his first 20 only 8 runs were obtained - he being right on the spot and in fine form - Wenman and Bennett were the first to appear - to face the bowling of lillywhite and and Ellis's slows - Wenman was bowled by Lillywhite off his pad - one wicket. Goodhew's wicket was also lowered by Lillywhite making the second for 6 - the ball displaced the middle stump and actually stuck fast in the centre of the wicket -Fryer was missed by Stubberfield at the scoring box, but was soon after caught at cover point by Mr. Smith for 16 - third for 39- Willsher was next and although he played against time and booked runs slowly he was never in finer form - The fielding of Sussex especially that of Messrs Fawcett and Hodgson was grand and the way the latter gentleman returned the ball with after he "had thrown away" his right was marvelous to see
Wisden now took Ellis's place at the the marine end. Stubberfield the opposite end and the bowling was first rate. Bennett was soon caught off the the former for a well played 23 - it was a clever catch at slip - fourth for 67 - Mr. A. Wathen took liberties with Wisden and was clearly stumped by Ellis fifth for 69 - Mr Kelson made but 4 for Ellis who was again on the ??? completely eclipsed his former exploit by one of the finest pieces of manipulation ever seen- sixth for 78 Burton followed a fine drive off Willsher's to the tent for 4 and was most vociferously and deservedly applauded and for half an hour the bowling was dead in the wicket and runs most difficult - at length Burton gave a chance - to Ellis which was instantly accepted - seven for 87- Mr. Wathen now joined Willsher and a magnificent drive for 5 by the former excited great ??? Lillywhite again went on and the score reached 3 figures. Not producing any change Mr.Smith tried an over - but Willsher and Mr. Wathen were well set - Ellis tried the lobs and the cricket all round was A1 Mr. Wathen after playing a most creditable innings of 38 was driven on his wicket by Stubberfield with just sufficient force to dislodge one bail - unlucky eighth for 145 - Martin was no. 10 and Tiny Wells an over or two . Martin was apparently bowled around his leg Ellis's peculiars being too much for him - ninth for 151 . Mr. Lipscommbe wound up the Kent eleven - only scoring 2 - The innings therefore closed for 156 - Willsher bringing out his bat for a masterly noble innings of 57- Sussex therefore winning by 95 runs - Analysis Lillywhite 124b 23r 21m.o. 2wkts 1 wide Ellis 116b 50r 8m.o. 2wkts Wisden 120b 27r 22m.o. 3wkts Stubberfield 84b 29r 7m.o. 2wkts Smith 20b 7r 2m.o. 2 wides Wells 8b 4r 1wkt - presents were distributed to Messrs Hodgson and Kelson for their splendid innings a bat each - Ellis a new hat for taking 3 wickets in one over Fillery 10 shillings for his not out innings Willsher of course got the "talent sov" and the most rapturous applause - Ellis 's wickethkeeping was magnificent ----
Mr. Hodgson was presented with a bat he is deservedly popular at Brighton. Stubberfield taking out his bat for 16 . Their number was 243 and the innings closed at 6 mins past 6
ANALYSIS Willsher 180b 66r 19m.o. 1wkt -n Bennett 204b 59r 21m.o. 3wkts - Lipscombe 92b 37r 7m.o. 3wkts 1 wide Fryer 44b 8r 7m.o. Goodhew 44b 25r 3m.o. 1 wide Willsher also bowled a wide. At 6 - 33 Kent sent Fryer and Barton to the wickets - Stubberfield and Lillywhite taking the ball. The first noteworthy incident was an off drive for 3 which passed mid- wicket and then Mr. Hale made a terrible mess of an easy catch which everybody thought he had secured. Fryer actually started to leave his wicket at when after a second or two the ball instead of going up - fell to the ground - he then went on batting and as is generally the case scored rapidly after his let off - James Lillywhite missed taking a catch at mid-off - indeed the fielding was disgraceful - when time was called 26 runs were scored without the loss of a wicket - On Friday the ground was in beautiful order - and the favourable position which Sussex occupied - briought a great throng to the ground. The wickets had become dry band consequently faster and large scores were speculated on - with some degree of reason. At half past eleven play was resunmed . Ellis beginning with his lobs and Stubberfield at the other end. the "slows" seemed to play very well as after 4 more were scored - they ???? vacancy . Ellis then disposed of Burton whose contribution was 17 - second for 41. The gap was filled by Bennett who hit a full pitch off Ellis into the hands of Mr. Hale at midwicket - third for 43 - Willsher was joined by Goodhew - he made a good cut and it was finely fielded and Willsher could not get home - Ellis putting down the wicket in noble style Sewell was appealed to but gave Willsher out - fourth for 47 - Mr. A. Wathen played firmly and well - he drove Ellis to the dining room for 3 Goodhew had a narrow escape - from Ellis's hands . Mr Wathen made the most of every opening - and Wisden took up the bowling from the marine end - Lillywhite stopped a very hot one - In the next over of Lillywhite's Mr. wathen was bowled for a well put
No remarks are given - doubtless bad bowling - fine hitting and generally loose fielding. It was not regular - Surrey Caffyn being away at Canterbury getting runs and wickets. Caesar absent.
GENTLEMAN V PLAYERS - (BAR SURREY) - Lords June 29th 30th
This match came off on the days above mentioned - and proved a very one - sided affair - how much more so it would Surrey admitted - the effects of the great schism - that the Gentleman were truly represented I doubt - but at their inferiority to the Players is as certain as ever for the old reasons - not playing together and giving up at their prime.
Wickets all that could be desired - at least infinitely better than other wickets at Lords this year. . Morning fine in fact cricket weather. - Players won the toss - taking the innings of course Willsher and Grundy commenced batting - Traill delivering the first over at 12.25. - Mr. Vowles bowled at the other end Grundy hit one up the hill for 5 - In Mr. Traills next over a fine ball dismissed Grundy for 7. First for 8 - Carpenter appeared but was not doomed to stay, he got but one and then was caught off his hand by Mr Traill at slip. - second for 9- the next to show was Hayward - Willsher got one away for 2. There was a leg bye for 3 - Hayward gave a slight chance at slip _ did not avail himself
of it 100 runs and more were therefore given away as in the case of Lyttleton at the Oval in the Cambridge match - 4 more byes were added - Mitchell long stop and not first rate- Hayward 3 to the tennis court - Willsher slip for 2- Mr. R.D. Walker then went on at Voules end. - Hayward 3 to the Pavillion for a draw then a sweet hit to slip for ditto - Willsher was tempted to leave his ground - Mr. Lyttleton put down his wicket in fine style he had only made 5 runs - although in for an hour 3rd for 43 - Grace went on at the Pavillion end & Hayward drove him for 3 - Parr who was next made one of his magnificent square leg hits which almost went thro' Mr. Bentall at short leg and Royston (One of the Umpires) and the entrance gate being open five were scored as the ball rolled across - the St. John's Wood road - Parr was then disposed of very cleverly by a fine catch at the wicket by Lyttleton for 5 - Fourth for 55 - Vacancy filled by Tarrant who hit Grace well to the square leg for 3 - He made another 2 to square leg and a drive to the Pavillion for 4 - the following ball Grace bowled him for 12 - fifth for 72 The next on order was Ellis who too the remainder of the over - In Mr. Walker's next Hayward drove him to long on for 2 - beautifully fielded by Daniel who on every occassion distinguished himself in that depart(ment). once making a splendid leg hit only make 2 when 4 must have been had from any other man. - Wright was excellent at point and Valentine Walker all there ? Ellis drove Grace to the circle for 2 - Hayward drove one very fast to Grace he broke it but wanted another cubit to his stature escape 2 - Ellis's 2 to tennis court off Grace - then his wicket fell to him for 9 - sixth for 92 The ground man Bignall 9 (The hope of Notts ) now joined Hayward and played well - Hayward drove Grace forward for 4 to the Anner? a grand hit & Bignall made a similar hit for 4 from Walker- Hayward another 3 - Bignall drove Grace to the Pavillion for 4. Hayward a fine leg hit for 3 - Bignall then 2 to the leg and drove Grace again to the pavillion for 4 -
Hayward then placed one at Voules in the slips for 4 - then "pulled"one across for another 4 towards Darke's house - Bignall a good on - drive for 3 - at 3 minutes to 3 Bignall drove up Grace forward - fast and furious and that gentleman secured a catch of a 1000 - he made 24 and well - seventh for 151 - Dinner was called - Afterwards Hearne joined Hayward who Voules finely to the leg for 4. Traill went on again but Hayward hit him first down for 4 and then up for 2 and down again for a brace - 2 byes - Lyttleton now tried an over or two and Mitchell assumed the pads and gauntlets - DeGrey taking long stop Hayward drove Voules up the hill for 3 and Tom Hearne cut one behind point for 2, then made a fine drive for 4, then 4 to the Pavillion - Hayward went in at one off Voules - but Mitchell did not handle the ball - Lyttleton then returned to the wicket - Voules changed ends and V.E.Walker began with the slows - the first sped away to the Pavillion for for 4 byes 3 byes again fromfrom Voules - who then made havoc of Hearne's wicket - he had putv 17 on paper - eigth 200 Jackson came made a 3 and a single - Traill took up the bowling nice walker and like that gentleman his ball went to he pavillion for 4 - Jackson draw for 2 - then there came a piece of all round magnificent cricket in which Hayward's wicket was jeopardised- Hayward 3 to sharp leg - fielding of wright at point was excellent and a good leg hit vof Jackson's was beautifuuly fielded by Daniel - walker then went on at Traill's end - and Grace at voules's who in the next over took Jackson's wicket for 9 - Wooton was caught at long off - Hayward obtained 112and gave only 2 remote chances - his innings was a free masterly performance & he got the bat - that liberal - present of the M.C.C. ! Innings closed at quarter past 5
At 25 min to 6 Grace and De Grey occupied the wickets Tarrant bowling at the lower end and Jackson at the Pavillion - Ellis at the wicket - Grace score a 2 & then his partner 2 - through a "battle" and their too intense anxiety to get runs - Mr. de Grey nearly lost his life - Cries of "Steady! steady!" Tarrant then annihilated De grey's wicket for 2 - he was very difficult to play - bowling very fast and they broke down the hill - first for 7 Grace made 3 and then unfortunately pulled an off ball into his wicket - two for 19 - Daniel next showed and he drove Jackson for 3 - Benthall sent Jackson to the square leg for 3 - after hitting one very fast to Tarrant . Mr. Daniel was bowled by him by a breaking shooter indeed he was almost unplayable on that wicket _ Lyttleton and Benthall kept playing beautifully - Benthall sent Jackson to the tavern, then an on drive for 3 - Lyttleton a beautiful off drive for 4 Benthall a good cut for two at cover resigned to Jackson - playing the ball into his wicket after playing a most spirited and plucky innings of 27- in which he showed immense defense - standing up bravely to tarrant- fourth for 58- Mr. Mitchell followedc 0- lyttleton got 3 mid on and had the hit again following with a fine drive for 4. mitchell now began to hit and sent one to the off for 4 - lyttleton another 4 to long on Mitchell 2 yo leg and 1 on. Then tarrant ripped up Lyttleton's stumps who tried to drive him forward - his innings of 28 was a model of of graceful defence and fine hitting - fifth for 82 - R.D.Walker got 3 for a snick and then played one of Jackson's onto his wicket Sixth for 87 - Stumps drawn. Tuesday at ten minutes past noon Mitchell and Traill took their places - the latter was carried off very first ball by Tarrant at short leg from Jackson - Seventh for 87- Mr. Wright who followed succumbed to a beauty from Tarrant. Eigth for 90- Mr. V.E.Walker now came and some clever purloining of sharp runs took place. Tarrants next over Mitchell made productive of 8 runs - 4 a fine drive and two 2s V.E.Walker made 1 when Ellis on his knees very cleverly
stumped Mitchell - he having left his ground for an instant - his 20 was obtained by very hard hitting - ninth for 105 - Mr. Voules was bowled by Tarrant for a single. The Gentleman were therefore disposed of for 113 at 25 minutes to 1o'clock - 118 in arrears. At 5 minutes to one Grace and Traill represented the Gentleman - Jackson and Tarrant as before - bowling - Grace made a 3 - drive off Tarrant & Traill a single - then Grace was disposed of by Tarrant for 5 - first for 10 - Mr. De Grey became Traill's vis a vis and made a brace mid-of. Mr Traill cut behind point 2 and then drove Tarrant for 2. Mr De Grey made a very splendeid drive off Tarrant- Jackson changed to the upper side of his wicket - and Tarrant in his next over sent Mr. Traill to his account for a baker's dozen. - second for 25- Lyttleton came next who made 3 to leg off Jackson- but who in the next over zipped up his wicket vfor 5 - third for 30. Mr. Daniel drove one past Willsher for 3 - and then slipped one near G. Parr which went to the Pavillion for 4. Mr. De Grey now retired to Jackson having made 8 - fourth for 39 - Mr. Mitchell didnt stop long being bowled by Jackson second ball fifth for 39 Daniel made a most brilliant leg hit off Tarrant to upper corner for 4.- then 2 to the off and 3 to the long field off Jackson - Tarrant's next over caused his discomfiture - he had run up 18 well and quickly Wright received the last 3 balls of Tarrants over. In the first of Jackson's - R.D.Walker went to the bad. Mr. V.E.Walker
commenced merrily - hit one for a brace and cut Jackson bravely behind point for for 4. Wright then made 4 off Tarrant - Two cleverly run leg byes caused some laughter - Mr. walker 3 to leg off Tarrant 60 up - Mr. Wright a good drive for 3 - Walker two to square leg Then 3 byes followeed - walker now drove Jackson on to the Pavillion for 4. 80 up. Wotton now went on for Tarrant and in his second oveer lowered Mr. Wright's wicket for 13. Eigth for 85. Mr. Voules came rather slowly to the fire Tarrant very nearly had Walker at Mid-on - 5 were run here - Mr Walker now made a fine off drive to the Tennis Court from Wootton. Every run was now hailed with cheering - as the Gentleman narrowed the chance of a single innings defeat. 100 up - Voules good leg hit, well fielded for 1 - then a magnificent leg which being badly misjudged by Bignall yielded 3 - In Jackson's next over Mr. Walker put one up which was caught by Capenter his 30 being the ledger. ninth for 117- Benthall last man - made 3 off off Jacksons first ball - he then drove 3 to long on - Then wootton found out his stumps for 8 . This closed the innings which had occupied one hour 37 minutes amounting to 126. Hearne and Bignall went into get 9 - Grace bowling to the former - who hit the first ball to the tennis court for 4 - Voules delivered from the other side. _ Grace bowled a widec - Hearne then hit a ball mid on and and ventured on 2 runs when evidently there was but one - First for 6 Ellis followed and after another single was made Grace clean bowled Bignall - second for 7 Tarrant made the winning hit for 2 mid on. Ellis having anarrow escape from a ball which rose over his head. The greatest dissatisfaction seemed to take place - the wicket was such that Tarrant was scarcely playable. I wont say that it was not better than the one used at the "two Elevens " match, but that was preposterously bad - There is a general feeling that there will be an attempt to improve Lords next year & also that the Burrups will have to give up the management of the Oval when the trustees at the "Prince of Wales" find that bad and "Poetical " matches do
not bring spectators - as there is no ill will or animosity among the professionals it rests entirely in the management of the two grounds - Burrup's presumtion and Darke's ill management being the only causes of the "Cricket Schism"
PLAYERS won by 8 wickets - Umpires Fennell & Royston
ANALYSIS PLAYERS Traill 144b 41 r 6m.o. 1 wkt - Voules 148b 59r 15m.o. 2wkts 2 wides and 16 b 1r 3m.o. 1 wide R.D.Walker 116b 33r 12m.o. 2wkts - Grace 128b 55r 9m.o. 5wkts 3wides and 17b 7r 2m.o. 1wkt Lyttleton 20b 11r 1m.o. - V.E.Walker 8b 2r 1m.o.
GENTLEMEN Tarrant 111b 61r 15m.o. 5wkts and 68b 54r c4m.o. 3wkts - Jackson 108b 33r 14m.o. 4wkts and 92b 41r 2nd inns. Wotton 26b 14r 2m.o. 2wkts
RUGBY V MARLBOROUGH - Oval Thursday 25th and Friday 26th- These schools have not met for some years- 1858- 59 61 - Rugby had generally been the conqueror - till last year - when Marlborough at the Oval obtained her first victory - The ground from rain was heavy and difficukt, but improved - RUGBY 87 and 161 - the admirable bowling of Venables, on the behalf of Rugby both innings - the fine exhibition batting of Fellowes in his first innings and still finer that of the Rugby hero Case ( a most rising player ) - the general fielding of both sides was good .- generally the fine lads - Rugby - T. Case 1 and 62 - R. Cotton - 8 and 22 - E.M.Lloyd - 10 and 22 - R. Murray 14 and 23 - G.E. Willes 20 and 7 - C.J. Malon(not out ) 13 and 4 ???( Extras) 5 and 9 - no wides in the first innings and only 5 in the second - In the first innings Harbord got 6 wickets and Fellowes 3 - 2nd innings Harbord 4 Fellowes 4 - Marlborough - E.L. Fellowes 40 and 5 - E.F. Taylor 20 and 0 -n T.P. Monington 0 and not out 14 - F. Butterworth 0 and 15 - R.J. Cross 0 and 16 J. Leach not out 3 and 10 - The excellent bowling of Venables was too much for them - he got 7 wickets in the first and 6 in the second innings - RUGBY won by - 83 runs
ETON V WINCHESTER C June 23rd and for te Etonians Messrs Tritton and Lubbock scored 304 runs out of 444 - Lubbock a fine not out 174 - Eton winning in one innings by 192 runs - Score Winchester 97 and 153 - W.G. Marshall 27 and 10 - J.H.T. Yates 8 and 43 - J.M. Pyke 13 and 22 - C. Awdry 2 and (not out ) 30 H. Foster 12 and 11 - J.B. Allen 18 and 0 Extras Byes etc 10 and 10 - first innings Teape got 4 wickets Boville 3 - Sutherland 2 - Pelham 1 - 2nd innings Pelham 6 - Sutherland 2 - Eton 444 E.W. Tritton 130- A. Lubbock not out 174 W.S. Prideaux 29 H.B. Sutherland 29 - A. Pepys 21 - J. Frederick 13 - Extras 30 Foster seems to have got the most wickets - but all seem to have bowled.
C. SURREY V THE THREE SCHOOLS RUGBY MARLBOROUGH AND CHELTENHAM 6 of each - 18 in all . This novel match was commenced at the Oval Monday 29th . Weather throughout fine and the wicket played good. - betting about even. Surrey 108 and 118 - Caffyn 19 and 45 Mortlock 19 and 17 F. Burbridge 25 and 11 - Lockyer 10 and 3 - Sewell (not out ) 10 and 9 - not great scores - but it was hard to get runs against 18 active boys - the extras were only 3 and 6 which tells a good tale for the bowling and long stopping - I think in fact that Surrey deserved credit for what she did - I think it no joke hitting among so many young Turks, many of them almost men - and the bowling must have been very fair from the absence of wides. THREE COLLEGES 79 and 118 Case 16 and 1 - G. Willes 0 and 35 R. Murray 2 and 20 E.L. Fellowes 14 and 12 - E.F. Taylor 14 and 2 byes etc 15 and 14 9 a great deal for Surrey) - Griffith 20 wickets - Caffyn 9 - The following were the principal posts filled by the schools in the field - Cheltenham furnished the wicketkeeper who was excellent, one of the two bowlers who commenced was likewise from Cheltenham - Rugby furnished an admirable point Vander Meaden - and their captain Ellis filled the unenviable post longstop most efficiently . I didnt however see the name of Venables that admirable bowler of Rugby - runs would have been harder if he had been present. Marlborough supplied three bowlers - Fellowes Harbord and Taylor and some of the most effective fieldsman. - Humphrey and Mortlock represented the County - but the longstop handled one hit by the former - when 3 were got out Caffyn played rapidly for his 19 - and the score stood at 33 when he went in and missed a straight one - Griffith was caught at deep cover point - and Mortlock soon after at square leg - third for 49 and fourth for 54 - Mr. Burbridge soon lost the company of H. Stephenson - and was joined by Lockyer who also put one to the industrious Rugby captain - Jukius and Mr. Burbridge had increased the score from 85 - when the sixth wicket fell at 96 - at dinner time - the seventh Burbridge's for 97 (well got ) 25 - eighth Caesars for 100 ninth wicket - Whale as usual did not add. - Sewell bringing out his bat for a well played 10. Whale and Griffith bowled for Surrey but a change was made for Caffyn
before Taylor was caught at slip after making 16 by good play - his first hits were two for 3 two 2s 2 singles ( fourth for 34) - Robertson made a fine drive from Griffith - a 2 from Caffyn and then received a shooter from the same bowler - which settled him - Butterworth and Fellowes raised the score to 58 - after which - the wickets fell rapidly - the total being 79 - which terminated the days play. mOn Tuesday Harbord delivered a maiden over to Mortlock Caffyn at the other end to Griffith - the play was very steady and only 15 runs were got - when Griffith missed one of Harbord's slows - Caesar made a fine hit to leg - to the pavillion but lost his wicket for 7 - Caffyn had only scored one , when anappeal to the umpire was made - to the umpire the ball being taken by mid on - the umpire who was nearer gave it in - it appeared to be a (home pitch?) but quite possible being at that time near the ground - that it went to the ground before it reached the fieldsmen - Mortlock played some good bowling but was - tempted at last to leave his ground for 17 - well stumped - third for 36 - Humphrey drew an off ball across his wicket - fourth for 66 Burbridge joined Caffyn and runs wqwere got rapidly and Caffyn retired for 45 - consisting of fine hits- two for 4 - five for 3 four for 2 Burbridge was almost immediately caught in hitting to leg by the wicketkeeperc - Sewell was caught in the slip - seventh for 105- Lockyer's wicket fell - Pooley's the ninth for 110 and Stephenson's the last for 118- thus leaving the Schools 147 to go in for - Case and VanderMeaden were then well bowled in turn and only 10 got - Messrs Fellowes and their wickets the 5th and 6th fell for 19 and 24 Reid Butterworth followed and by steady play had made 7 when his wicket the 8th went down - Lloyd and Murray played well and raised the total to 43- Ellis went the second ball - the 10th therefore fell for 10 - a change now took place - and it seemed as if the batting was going to master the bowling - Whale - Mortlock (slows) and Caffyn again went in at which time the total was 77 - and then Sewell relieved Griffith - Murray's nicely
played 20 contained a 3 and three 2s - lauries was Willes partner when 100 was put up - but he was soon after run out - Cameron followed and when Willes was bowled for an admirably got innings of 35 consisting of two 4s - three 3s and four 2s - Harbord joined Cameron who made a splendid cut from Caffyn for 4 and was bowled next over - Fourteenth for 110 - Hillyard and Harbord raised the score to 118 - but Griffiths resuming the bowling floored him and and Cotton and Napean in successive balls - Harbord bringing out his bat again for 6 - Surrey won by 29
This match was a make up - the best of Surrey 3 from Yorkshire and Willsher (inveigled) against much the same lot of gentleman who played at Lords - Gentleman having won the toss went in first - Mr. Grace and Mr. R.D. walker - took the bat Atkinson and Hodgson bowling - Grace cut Atkinson for 4 and then did the same very finely behind point from Hodgson - he then gave a chance to Caesar at slip off Atkinson which wa secured - first for 18 - Mitchell the "Oxford Leviathon " came next and commenced with 2 to short leg - he next gave a chance at the slip which a longer reached man might have secured - R.D. walker had also a narrow escape - off one of Hodgson's 30 up Atkinson changed to the upper side of the wicket. Mr. Walker cut Hodgson for 3 - at this point Hodgson gave way to Griffith - Off Atkinson Mitchell made a magnificent cut for 4 which migght have been half a dozen if the palings would have allowed it - Walker drove Atkinson to the Ladies tent for 4 - 60 up - Here the slows were introduced and there was some amusement at the wary way in which the Oxonians disposed of it - Griffith was then relieved by Willsher - the third left handed bowler whose first was cut by Walker for 2 - the next driven by Mitchell for 3 - to long off - 80 up - he then hit Iddison for hard to leg for 4 - Some fine cricket now occurred a splendid over maiden from Willsher - as finely played by Mitchell - The slows being much punished - Caffyn was brought on and was successful. R.D. being neatly caught by Lockyer - for 40 - off Caffyn's second ball - seconfd for 96- Mr. R.D. Walker was at the wicket 1 hour 25 minutes - Daniel then came , but a shooter from him disturbed his stumps - third for a 100 - Lyttlton scored 3 off Willsher- Mitchell then drove him for 3 - a short run off Willsher was made into a triad - by Lockyer's shying at the wicket - Lyttleton then made 2 to square leg from Caffyn and unfortunately run himself - by slipping down just when he seemed getting well set - fourth for 118 - Thus were two of the great guns - floored for 7 runs V.E. Walker joined Mitchell and rapidly proceded to business by driving Caffyn for 3 and then he drew one of Willsher's across the play which was saved at the pavillion walk for 3 in Willsher's next over - Caesar missed Mitchell - a very easy chance - the first he had given - I must do the justice to say
that Caesar was suffering from the gout - no man has played better for his county this year . Walker then powerfully drove Willsher for five , but that great bowler was avenged by flooring his stumps - after he had made 26 - in fine style - he is in fine form this year - batting and fielding - in the most excellent way - Simultaneously with the fall of this wicket dinner was called- fifth for 157- Mr. Dowson joined Mitchell but Atkinson dismissed him for 2 - sixth for 164 - Burbridge then joined Mitchell - who then was caught by Caesar from Atkinson - finishing his somewhat lucky but still splendid innings of 76 - seventh for 175 - he was greatly applauded and presented with the talent vat - Mr. Rowley then joined Burbridge and after a few were got Willsher lowered his wicket for 5 - eight for 181 - Mr. John walker was the tenth man - and no sooner in than out- being caught at point by Iddison the first ball - he was in such good practice that I wonder at his doing so little - ninth for 181 - nMiller joined the amatuer teaqm - Rowley drove Willsher for 5 - the same bowler ripped up Miller's off stump - without his scoring - Mr. Rowley taking out his bat for 9 - the aggregate being 9
ANALYSIS Atkinson 111b - 45r - 10m.o. - 3 wkts - Hodgson 56b - 24r - 5m.o. - Griffith 24b - 8r - 2m.o - Willsher 112b - 53r -
10m. o. 4wkts - caffyn 76b - 28r - 3m.o. - 2wkts Iddison - 24b - 18r - At a quarter to five the Gentleman were at their posts - Mr. John Walker at the wicket Messrs R.D.Walker and Rowley bowling - while Mortlock and Hearn (??? took the bat ???) ( Hearn cut Mr. Rowley very finely for 4 - Mr. V.E.Walker and Mr. Mitchell fielded several balls admirably and were much applauded. Runs were got rapidly and Surrey Stonewall being in fine form . He met and drove Mr. Walker till it was "bellows to mend all round"Hearne cut Mr. Walker for 4 - 40 up - Then a drive for 4 off Rowley to the Pavillion. the latter then changed his wicket and Miller tried an over from the Pavillion and Mortlock now drove Miller to the Pavillion for 4 - 50 & 60 up Mr. V.E.Walker now came on with his insidious slows and a temporary lull took place in the run getting - 70 up - In 57 minutes when the score had reached 79 at the fearful rate of upwards of 80 per hour V.E. Walker clean bowled Hearn for 36 - finely played - Iddison occupied the vacancy _ Mortlock a tremendous drive to long off miller for 6 - 90 up - Grace now bowled -
100 up - Iddison now sent one square leg direct into Dawson's hands - two catches missed - he could not hold it - 110 up - Rowley resumed the bowling - 120 & 130 was passed . Mortlock was beautifully caught by V.E. Walker off Grace - Some doubt was expressed but it was given as a fair catch and a beauty it was. Mortlock's score was 70 - second for 133 - Griffith followed but did not score being beautifully caught by Mr. Grace at mid wicket with one hand - third for 138 - Caffyn was next who cut Rowley for 3 - three of Mr. Grace's next were hit up - two escaped - the third everybody though must be fatal to Iddison - No Dowson dropped it again making him two misses - Iddison drove Gracae to long on for 4. Caffyn then sernt one at a fearful pace to the Pavillion right up to the pavillion which was well "fielded" by a gentleman in the front row - The next ball was caught in fine style by V.E. Walker who had to run some 30 yards to secure it - which he did - Caffyns tally 10 - fourth for 164 - Iddison next drove Mr. Grace to mid off for 4 - and Stephenson was soon caught off Mr.Rowley - by Grace - fifth for 173 - at 7.20 Willsher joined Iddison ( the sun casting rather long shadows - ) his first was a very fine leg hit for which 5 were scored - By way of winding up the play - Rowley made one of the finest catches ever seen - very hot indeed. Iddison's contribution was 49 well put together - but he gave two distinct chances to Dowson - who never played worse in hislife sixth wicket for 179 - Stumps drawn - Friday at 18 minutes past 12 ( too late (by) a great deal) - half the matches are not finished by this cause - if people wont come to see fine play early - let them lose it - Lockyer joined Willsher - whose first effort was a good leg hit off Grace for 3 - Mr. Rowley's first was cut to the off for 2 - Mr. John Walker had a chance of getting Lockyer - but it did not come - 70 runs given away - Lyttelton was at the wicket this morning Willsher then sent Rowley down to the Tennis Courts - game was rather slow - Willsher drove for 2 - Mr. R.D. Walker then relieved Grace - Lockyer then drove V.E. for 4 in fielding which Mr. Daniel accidentally upset a spectator on a ???
(why cant they get out of the way ?) Rowley superseded the slows - Miller then made another essay - there seemed no chance of seperating these men - Willsher batting in his Brighton form - but he ought to have been run out but Lyttleton missed taking the ball - he is so lazy and careless some times - Dowson now missed Lockyer shamefully at mid off - 270 up - R.D. Walker then missed Lockyer - the easiest thing in life - he seemed to have a charmed life - Willsher then made a splendid leg hit for 4 - Mitchell then went on and bowled better than anyone else - Willsher hit him to leg for 4 - when Mitchell floored him for 77 - as fine an innings as ever was seen - his performance and Mortlock's were the finest in the innings - Iddison was good but Dowson missed him twice - seventh for 312 - Willsher was then presented with the talent sovereign and a further collection was made around the Pavillion - Atkinson who joined Lockyer soon retired for 8
caught by Rowley at short slip Julius Caesar then put one of Grace's slows into R.D.Walker's hands - Hodgson gave little trouble and Tom Lockyer brought out his bat - for 77 - but I beg to say - a more chancy hand - with more let offs I never saw - however the multitude seemed determined that their favourite should get his talent sovereign - very wrong I think it was - Never in my life did I see so many - so many chances - missed - In Walker - told me he could not but calculate that 100 runs at least were thrown away - Lockyer must have given 6 chances at least Dowson's fielding was disgraceful - he did nothing with his bat - but missed three easy chances - and gave away a lot of runs by not stopping hits - Some indeed the most of the Gentleman - fielded gloriously - Daniel - V.E. Walker - Mitchell - Grace - Burbridge and Rowley greatly distinguished themselves - Of the bowling I cant say much but Mitchell certainly did bowl well - Daniel by preventing him from giving any assistance and Lyttleton refused downright to bowl - though he can do it very well - quite wrong this - Grace I thought little of - Miller wretched - Thus the Players finished their innings for 353 - an enourmous score - leading their opponents by 164 on the first innings - at 10 minutes past 5 the Gentleman commenced their second innings - Grace scored 4 in the slips from Caffyn's first ball and cut one 2 in the same over - Willsher bowled a maiden to R.D.Walker - the play now wa watched by a number of of gentleman interested in the "Gentleman winning" tho I do not see how that fact could possibly occur - however the bowling was not very good and the batting superior - 30 was soon telegraphed - Iddison was put on in Caffyns place , but they seemed to punish the slows as much as any other bowling - about 40 or 50 were on when Grace got under one of Atkinson's - which Wilsher caught (The Sporting
Life is nearly as bad as Bell's Lives in their reporting - they say nothing of this in their account ) I can only say that Grace got a capital innings of 31- Daniel then came after and both hit away well - both punished the slows - R.D. Walker drove Willsher for 4 - which brought on Hodgson who had gone again after a maiden over from Caffyn R.D. Walker then placed a ball in the hands of mid off - second for 92 - Sporting Life does not condescend to report R.D.'s fine innings - and a capital one it was - Rowley joined Daniel who had at that time made five 4s - 2 to square leg from Iddison - and two drives and leg hits from Hodgson - which were now eclipsed by a drive to the Pavillion from Hodgson - that migt have got anything with ???? - Mr. Rowley then made a splendid leg hit from Caffyn's next over - 110 up . Daniel again hit Hodgson for 2 and a drive for 4 which brought on Willsher - after each had made a single - Daniel cut Willsher for 2 and made an off drive for 4 - 130 were telegraphed - Daniel made a tremendous square leg hit from Caffyn which just touched Willsher's hand at short leg - it got only 2 - another 4 drive and 2 to leg were made by this batsmen off Willsher and Griffith came on after a maiden from Caffyn - Daniel then started for a hit of his own and could not recover his ground - thus 3 wickets fell for 144. His splendid innings of 51 by eight fours - drives cuts and leg hits and seven twos and five singles without the ghost of a chance - he got "the bat" of course. Rowley now snicked one of Caffyn's for 4 and then Dowson was bowled by Griffith fourth for 148 and followed by Mitchell when 160 was on - Rowley put one of Caffyn's to long on - after playing - well for 24 - 5 for 160 - Mitchell was well bowled - Burbridge made a single - and then V.E.Walker was bowled third ball - seventh for 161 - Miller made 8 but just as time was called put an easy one to mid off . The Gentleman now had ten on for the loss of eight wickets.
Some Notes
This next section is a little confusing and requires a little explanation
After the score card above is a short report of the Players second innings. At the end of this is a short match report for the Harrow v Eton match continued. There is no earlier written part to be continued. This ought to have been inserted in the section dealing with Schools Matches before the Gentleman v Players report. The next page page 103 gives a fuller report of the rest of the Gentleman v Players match remaining.
Those who study the text at all will notice oddities and mistakes occurring. Untidier writing and words crossed out and the names of Case, Grace, Caffyn and the word stumps often have a meaningless apostrophe after the first letter. These errors are probably some of the earliest visible written evidence of the symptoms of mental disintegration caused by the illness he has that are beginning to take effect on him mentally and which he will die from just over 4 years later.
I will transcribe as the reports are written except where duplication of text occurs rather than make any changes
2nd innings Iddison's score (not out) 18 Griffith (not out) 29 - Stephenson run out 5 leg bye 1 PLAYERS winning by 9 wickets
HARROW V ETON continued - and brought out his bat for 16 - what he might have done Buller and Maitland that particularly fine player Heaven only knows bowling on the Harrow side seem to have been the best . I am glad to see young Lyttlton's and both very promising in the Eton eleven - the usual jubilee of carriages and crowd of course occurred - Difficult to get away.
The innings closed on Saturday and the match after about two hours play - the weather was fine - ground in excellent condition - Lyttleton made some of his splendid cuts - Burbridge also made some runs rapidly - and Atkinson was put on in Caffyn's place - Griffith however with the aid of H.Stephenson got rid of Burbridge, his 16 containing a 4 a 3 three 2s ,. Mr. John Walker ultimately brought out his bat and Griffith bowled Lyttleton for a stylish 23 - of his own graceful sort - a five two 4s a3 two 2s etc - The players had 50 to win and sent to the wicket Griffith and Stephenson - Rowley bowling at one end R.D. Walker at the other - When 14 had been made Stephenson went into one of R.D. Walker's slows and played it back to the crease - Lyttlton handled it quickly and put the wicket down - Iddison with Griffith were not long in getting the runs - the score was raised to 37 - when Mitchell replaced R.D. Walker whose seven overs had actually given 30 runs ! Iddison drove Rowley for 4 and Griffith sent him to the racket court - 4 being obtained the next over - only 1 run was made off 3 overs of Mitchell - The score stood at 46 - and Griffith made a tie of it by a fine leg hit for 3 - and from Rowley - and Iddison won the match by a fine leg drive for 4 - The Players thus won by 9 wickets.
ANALYSIS - PLAYERS 2nd innings Atkinson 52b - 33r - 5m.o. Willsher 56b - 37r - 2m.o. Iddison 32b - 33r - Hodgson 40b - 31r - 2m.o. - 2wkts - 1 wide Caffyn 80b 42r - 5m.o. - 2wkts - Griffith 70b - 31r - 5m.o - 5wkts
GENTLEMAN ST INNINGS Rowley 200b - 90r - 15m.o. - 2wkts - 4 wides - R.D. Walker 56 b - 26r - 5m.o. - Miller 116b - 53r - 9m.o. - V.E. Walker 100 b- 42r - 3m.o. - 1wkt - Grace 228b - 100r - 18m.o. 5wkts - Mitchell 84b - 22r - 6m.o. - 2wkts - Grace bowled 2 wides Mitchell and V.E. walker decidedly appear to have bowled the best 2nd innings Rowley 40b - 21r - 4m.o - R.D. Walker 24b 31r - ! Mitchell 12b - 1 r - 2m.o. - Umpires The two Sewells senr. and junr.
SURREY V FREE FORESTERS* Oval July 9th 10th and 11th
FREE FORESTERS 116 and 177 with 5 wickets to go down- Mr. H. B. Cooper 0 and 52 E. K. Hornby 1 and 33 F. W. Wright 8 and (not out) 30 H. E. Bull 24 and 16 S, Linton 22 and ??
M. T. Martin 13 and (not out) 15 T. Ratcliffe14 and 3 W. G. Instead 1 and 13- Extras 15 and 12 Wadeson was absent of course. It was the other Instead of course - really A. Instead _ It is a shame that these men should promise and then not come. Wickets - Caffyn 6 - Sewell 6 - Griffith 3 - Stevenson 3 - Surrey 34! and 257 - Mortlock 2 and 61 Griffith 0 and 38 Mr. T. Fowler 3 and 28 Caffyn 3 and 31 - Lockyer 0 and 21 - Humphrey 3 and 14 Sewell 8 and not out 13- Dawson 2 and 10 - H. stephenson not out 14 and 14 - Jupp 3 and 16 Extras 2 and 14- wickets Buchanan 9 Ratcliffe 9 - The cricket was not very good on both sides - the Foresters shewing great skill - surrey disgraced herself in the 1st innings but played magnificently in the 2nd 34- and 257 what a difference - but nothing is odd in cricket
HARROW V ETON SCHOOLS - Lords 10th and 11 ETON - 184 and 285 - E. W. Triton 91 and 58 - J. Frederick 32 and 30 A. Lubbock 0 and 80 - A. Pepys 1 and 28 - Hon. N. Lyttleton 14 and 10 Hon. F. Pelham 9 and 16 - Wickets Buller 6 Maitland 4 - Richardson 2- Phipps 2 - & Extras 17 and 22
HARROW 1ST INNS. C. L. Hornby 68 - W. E. Grimston 37 - C. F. Buller 34- W.E. Maitland 23 - E. W. Burnett - 20 - I. D. Walker (not out) 16 Extras 56 - ( wides 24!) - wickets - S. Lyttleton 4 Frederick 2 - Lubbock Pelham and
This section has been transcribed because of its importance to Australian rowing history. The first match transcribed whilst not directly involving Robert Green is of some importance in its context to future events and thereby to Australian rowing history. Robert Green was Australia's first professional rower. There is also an extensive biography of Green which I think not uninteresting and really ought to be transcribed.
This great event took place over the Metropolitan course from Putney Aqueduct to the Old Ship at Mortlake. Tuesday - April 14 -
The defeat of Hammerton by the Greenwich representatives give his friends sanguine hopes that with care and time he would be able to wrest the Championship from the Lion of the North- Robert Chambers of Newcastle - The arrival of Richard Green from Australia with instructions to row the best man in England put Everson on his mettle, and he challenged to a match in 2 or 3 months for 2 or £300 - Green refused asserting his intention only to row the best man -m Chambers - then challenged Green, but as by some accident his boat had not arrived he could not make a match before the present S'primo? Everson's friends then backed their man against the Champion to row for the Championship and 200 a side - and a level bet was made on the event. Chambers refused to row in London without expenses up - that as Kelly did so - Everson must - But he added that he would waive all that if the £300 was accepted -- Started 11.46 - amidst cries of 2 to 1 on Chambers - Everson quicker on the stroke was first to take the lead - Chambers soon got himself settled down - and a rattling race took place past the Star and Garter - Everson then put in his most determined stroke - and opposite Simmonds boat he got his boat 7 feet in front of the Champion's opposite the Rowing Club House of London - Chambers was so hampered by a side swell from a steamboat which hindered the use of his left ????? scull to such an extent that a foul with Everson looked inevitable - in spite of all Stephen Salter's efforts to make Bob steer out - Everson with great manliness rowed close to the Middlesex shore - but even then the foul was as near taking place as possible - Chambers had to ease his boat for half a stroke and by so doing got his boat straight - - by this time they were both opposite the bottom of Finch's Field - Chambers who held the best course and had the advantage of the stream at this point of the race - - now gradually drew up his - his great length of reach, and effective stroke taking his boat over the water with great and telling effect - Nearing Craven - they became perfectly level - whence Everson commenced a very hurried stroke which in comparison with Chambers's effective style - shewed where the pressure of the great pace began to tell- There was no alteration in their position for a few strokes - but Chambers who took up the stream finding he was well holding his own - put in half a dozen long vigorous dashes- they soon told their tale and the Champion was soon half a boat's length in front and at the Dune Wharf was at his own boats length clear ahead - Everson then came and crossed over but he gained nothing by it, as before the competitors were half over Chambers had taken the water - and Everson could not avoid having the the full benefit of the wash from Chambers's left scull - when the course by the Surrey shore was taken by both- Chambers was leading by a couple of clear lengths which at the Crab Tree was increased to three- The leading steamboats now forged ahead up the Surrey shore to such an extent that they were actually ahead of Everson giving him the "draw back" of "undertow" to such an extent that had he had sufficient power to alter his positions the obstacles the "Chartered Steamers " threw in his way would have rendered his winning impossible. Chambers gradually and surely improved his position to such an extent, that he was leading by half a dozen lengths when he passed under Hammersmith in 10 min- 9 sec - No change took place in relative position, Everson was now relieved of the steamboats made the most strenuous efforts and his game and courageous style gained him the most enthusiastic applause - but all his efforts were vain for Chambers was at least a dozen lengths ahead at Chiswick - it was reached by Chambers in 14 min-4 seconds - Everson continued to row on though without the slightest possible chance. Chambers crossed the river to the Middlesex side and from time to time and looked round- The ???? ???? Barnes the time occupied in rowing. The race was now all over bar the shouting and Chambers sculling beautifully but with the greatest of ease to himself passed the Old Ship oat Mortlake the winner of the Championship for the 3rd time in 26 min- 42 sec beating George Everson by 33 seconds or 15 lengths. Chambers was comparatively fresh while Everson was much distressed by his rowing such a stern wager amidst the difficulties thrown in his path. The Steamers behaved "shamefully" as they generally do except on the the occasion of the last Oxford and Cambridge race. - when they were so kept back that they could see nothing at all "serve em right say I" I've twice experienced the inconveniences of the voyage - Chambers rowed in a boat for the purpose by Harry Clasper, a most surprising model of boat building craft - both for speed and bouyancy 34 feet 3 inches in length - 10 and a quarter inches wide at the seed 3 and a quarter inches in depth in stern 2 and three - quarters aft and weighs 30 lb Everson rowed in the boat built by Mr. Bitten for him to train in - the Victoria - 33 feet long 11 inches wide at seat 3 inches deep at stern - 2 inches at the stern? (aft surely) and weighs 35 lbs
Immense interest was excited in this match - Green being the champion of Australia - a tubular boat which his brother had made and registered a great sensation. - but not proving successful the innovation has died a natural death.
Robert Chambers born 1832 Newcastle upon Tyne - 5ft 9 and three - quarters inches in height, 11 stone 4 and a half pounds in weight He commenced life in the ironworks - is now a licensed victualler and landlord of the Kings Head St. Anthony's near Newcastle. Made his first bow to the aquatic world in 1852 - beating with Simms as his partner, Hogg and Scott in a pair oar race on the Tyne - In July 1853 Chambers made his debut as a sculler, and had that wonderful course of almost uninterrupted success - for which he is so remarkable - he began by beating Shaftoe and had to do it again to show him the true state of their merits - Bob's next appearance as a sculler was a defeat by Joseph Hicks in November at Newcastle - No further record till 1856 - when he and the three Claspers won the four oared race at Durham Regatta- June 16th - on the following day with R. Clasper for a partner he was beaten for a pair oar race - On August 18th Bob's maiden victory on the Thames was scored winning the the "Scullers Prize" in an old fashioned boat at the Thames National Regatta Finnes? being second - Aug - 19th Chambers and Mackinnery were second to Cole and Driver pair oars in an old fashioned boat and on 20th with Clasper, Pocock and Mackinnerey won the four oared prize of £100. At Durham Regatta in 1857 when with the 3 Claspers he won the four "oared" prize on the same day - the scullers prize. On the Tyne he defeated for £100 a side - in ballast keeled boats and took high rank amongst scullers - August 5th London - Thames National Race - Bob with Maddison and the 2 Claspers beat the Hammersmith Four - he also won the scullers race beating Mckinnery and others - Aug. 17 at Manchester won the scullers prize - and on the 18th with Maddison beat Bruce and Winship pair oared race - the following day he was a member of a defeated four oared crew - Several challengers from the North to row London men met with no response - Ralph accepted a match for £100 but was easily defeated. Durham Regatta 1858 - won the scullers prize June 15th and on August 10th won the scullers prize at the Thames National - beating Drewitt a good second and three others same day with Driver, Bain and Bell beaten for the four oared race £100- At the Talkin Tarn Regatta and was beaten for the scullers prize - August 20th - by J.H.Clasper Aug 27th won the scullers prize at Manchester Races - and on the following day with Ault, Winship and Clasper won the four oared - He next met Tom White of London at Newcastle for £100 a side April 19th 1859 - Soon after the start they were level or nearly so - Chambers fouled a boat so badly that before he could get clear White got a 150 yards ahead and Bob thought of giving up - but his friends called out go on Bob - run on Bob which he did and laying down to his work - and going at such a pace - that he passed White and won in 21 minutes - June 27th with Winship beaten in a pair oared race at Durham - - but he won the scullers prize on the following day as well as the 4 oared prize with the two Claspers and Winship - Thames National same crew as at Durham won the 4 oared prize Chambers next match - was the ever memorable one with Harry Kelley then Champion of the Thames and Yarre - over the Metropolitan Course £200 a side and the Championship - the Countryman received £15 expenses - Sept 29th - when Chambers keeping his antagonist waiting 4o minutes won easily in 25 minutes - 25 seconds - following 4 oar with Winship and 2 Claspers divided the four oared race with Mat Taylor's crew and on July 20 Chambers Winship and C - won the 4 oared race at the Derby Races - In August Bob won the scullers prize at the three following places Talkin Tarn and manchester and the four oared race with Winship and the two Claspers - Tom White now made another match £200 a side and Championship and won it easily in 23 minutes - 15 sec Oct 27 - won the four oars at Newcastle and on the following day Bob won the scullers prize - But with Winship was beaten in the pair oared - he now had a rest until July 12th 1861 - when he with Winship won the pair oared race at the Thames National Races - and with Winship Hagg and Hammerton won the £100 prize - the Richmond crew second Aug 10th beaten by Scott for scullers prize Manchester - But on the 12th with Winship Strong and Clasper won the 4 oared race and with Winship the next day Bob won the pair oars - In 1862 Chambers was out only twice at Durham when with Winship he was beaten for the pair oars - The Ld Kilmorey crew - Winship -H. Clasper J.H. Clasper and B. Clasper (coxswain) won the four oars - the Patrons Plate beating the Dunston and Dreadnought crews easily - Thames National -0 June 7th won with Winship - the pair oar race £25 and on July 1st the same crew as at Durham won the £100 prize London being second - Early in 1863 Chambers was matched with George - W.Everson - of Greenwich - £200 a side - Championship on Tuesday April 14th - Bob scored his third championship winning easily after a good race for the first mile by 32 seconds - rowing the distance in 26 min 14 sec with a slack tide - The Australian champion - Green then issued his challenge to the best man in England - and articles were drawn up between him and Bob - for £200 and the Championship - on June 16th - Bob who had been training took his spree at Epsom and another at home on his return - he then buckled too and did good work with H. Clasper and Winship - The various tricks of Chambers Clasper and Winship were watched with the greatest interest - They were so satisfied with Bobs rowing that he became a hot favourite immediately - Nothing could be gleaned from the canny Tynesiders tho it was well known that Chambers was rowing faster and had brought to absolute perfection - His colours were a white handkerchief with the Prince's Plume - and the words "England expects every man to do his duty " He rowed in his boat the Alexandra. The same as the one in which he defeated Everson in - and asserted it was the best boat in the world.
RICHARD AUGUSTUS WILLOUGHBY GREEN - born at Greenwich North Port Shore - Jackson - Aug 23rd - 1836 - 5ft 1o half inches 11st 10 half pounds in weight. - when in rowing condition inoculated? to the water from his earliest days - his father being one of the longest and ships and yacht builders - in the colony - His first recorded performance was in November 53 when he won a prize of £17 - for all amateurs in wager boats - in January 1854 he again won an amateur prize of £10 beating his former competitors J. Hayward, D. Healy and W. Howard - in a sculler's in wager boats and on the same day won a prize for £7 - for all youths under 18 - on December 26 he won a sculler prize of £20 open to all - beating his brother H. Green - G. Mulhall and J. Rice in 1855 - Green was out 4 times winning twice but sustaining two defeats by his brother H. Green - on January 26th - the youngster pulled in second to his brother in a scullers race beating T. Howard and T. Mcgrath. Receiving second money of £5 - On May 24th following was again a winner of a scullers prize of £40 defeating T. and G. Mulhall and M. Love in watermens boats. At the North Shore Races - beaten on Nov 30th - in a scullers race by T. Mcgrath in a scullers race for £30 - in racing skiffs on the ???? River . On Dec. 26th he beat G. Mulhall and J. Rice for 20 at the Woomoo? R (iver) The year 1856 opened with bad auspices for Green - as he was beaten by T. Mcgrath a sculler's race for 200 on Jan 21 - Five days after he rowed second to his brother in a scullers race beating Mcgath and Healy receiving 10 On the same day he won the 40 prize for sculling beating Mcgrath G.Nash and G. Mulhall at the Anniversary of the Foundation of the Colony Regatta. - a month after on Feb 26 th won the 1st Heat of the Champions Cup - with 25 added open to all in 3watermens boats beating A. Green and G. Clayton- did not appear again until April when he beat John Dewalt of Gravesend - for 400 and Championship of Port Jackson a 6 and a half mile sculling race - May 24th also found Green the winner of the North Shore beating G. and T. Mulhall and M. Love 40 Green was beaten in a sculler race by T. Mcgrath - on Nov 30th for 30 by Mcgrath. On Dec 26 th - beating in a regatta G. Mulhall and J. Rice in watermen's boats for a prize of 20 at the Wooloomooloo R (iver) The year 1857 began badly for Green as hew was beaten by Mcgrath - a scullers race of 200 on Jan 21 - On April 22 - Green beat John Dewalt for 200 and Championship as before mentioned - His victories of the North Shores Championship cup 50 with 20 added for all men - in wager boats beating Healy and H.Green as well as another prize of 20 open to all - On June 24th Green beat Tom Mcgrath in the C hampionship and 400 and on July 26 th won the second heat for the Champiuonship Cup beating H. and Robert Green - on December 26 he rowed second to Tom Mcgrath's scullers race beating his brother H. Green and receiving the second money 5 at Wooloomooloo R Mcgrath again beat at the Anniversary of the Foundation of the Regatta the latter - the latter 10 as second and on the same day. Green won the 20 prize open to all beating T. Mcgrath and H.Green. He also won the hot? prize of 80 same day - On June 31 st Green won the third heat of the Championshipvalue 150 purse of sovereigns - beating H. Green and G. Clayton He did not appear again until May 24th - when in a scullers race of 30 open to all - in wager boats he won the first prize beating T. Mcgrath and H. Green - On sept 28 he won a silver cup at Gremone - On Nov 30 he rowed a dispirited race with Jem Cundlish of Newcastle and H. Green at Balmain Regatta - Mcgrath again beat Green a scullers race open to all in wager boats at the Wooloomooloo R The prize 21 The year 1858 opened with most favourable auspices for Green he having defeated Jem Cundlish in a sculler's race of 4 miles for 400 on June 26 - won the Champions race for 25 beating H. Green by two lengths - on the same day with his brother rowed second to punch and Croninin watermens boats at the Foundation races - The Australian now had a rest until Dec27 when he won the Champions Prize of 15 - beating T. Mcgrath and J. Cundlish O n May 24 1859 - Green was third to White and Nash in working boats - In 1861 He won a scullers of 100 from White and towards theclose of the year - went to Hobart Town Tasmania and there with Punch Mcgrath and H. Green they won the whale boat race open to allthe world for 125 - distance 8 miles and on the same day won again the Champions scullers race beating 50 others - Green again beat Mcgrath for 100 in a scullers race and also won a Championship prizeof 15 beating T. Mcgrath and H. Green White and Cundlish and afterwards won a scullers race in skiffs - first prize 10 and two otheres at the North Shore R. - and at the conclusion of the month won a prize of 15 beating R. Yend and G. Mulhall and Dewalt Green has rowed 22 pair oared races - and won 13 in three four oared races winning one - in 5 whaleboat races winning three - These performances gave his friends every hope that he could and would beat the Champion of the Thames - and money not being wanting - The Australian champion left for England - 1862 beginning in June Damascus an Aberdeen clipper- He arrived in England at the commencement of August and at once took up his quarters at the Bells Putney where he has resided ever since with the exception of a few days at the seaside - He then went into regular work Up to the last fortnight he had been rowing in the tubular boat now generally called Green's Patent - but as the day drew near - he tried one of Biffen's already described . His colours a white handkerchief with a blue border- all at once Green who had been in perfect health was seized with a most violent attack of diarrhea which by no means improved his chances with Chambers - Indeed the long odds laid upon Chambers was a guarentee that the North Countryman - was well and in their opinion the race was a foregone conclusion - 5 to 2 on Chambers - Great assemblage at Kelly's - Tom king 's a great attraction of course Chambers was coached by Stephen Salter who was in the bow of an 8 oared cutter which was steered by Tom Grant of Cambridge - Citizen N. Steamer hasd Mr. Clifford the referee on board - Mr Howell of New South wales acted as umpire for Green and Harry Clasper his old comrade and also rival did the same kind office for Chambers
THE RACE - The start was very good Green at first took a strong lead - opposite the Star and Garter being half a boat's length ahead. This lead he kept rowing very finely - at one time the Newcastle men really feared their man was going to be beaten. - The pace had been tremendous all this time - opposite the Craven Cottage it was evident that Green was exhausted while Old Bob was as well as ever - Chambers was some time in getting up to him and once had to ease - to prevent a foul . Opposite The Crab Tree - he overlapped the Australian - through Hammersmith Bridge - Chambers was leading by 4 lengths Green after going through the bridge seemed to collapse - He looked very weak and ill when he left his boat and laid his defeat to diarrhea - His style is not so perfect as Chambers - he pulls to essentially with his arms and legs without throwing back his body which gives to his stroke an appearance of of being very short and ineffective - but that he can take a boat at a good pace is proved - by the fact of his keeping the lead for a mile and a half - He complained of the cramp and said he was forced to desist from rowing - He is not however an overrated man and may yet do wonders - the steamers as usual behaved very badly and got in his way preventing him all chance of winning - even if he did not give in He was not used very well by his partisans Kelly in particular manched? away with Tom King Green has matched himself against Chambers for 200 alleging that his defeat was entirely owing to illness - maybe so, certainly he was so ill that he was helpless when taken out of the boat - thus Robert Chambers won his fourth Championship in 25 mins - 23 sec-
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