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May Diary, the Second Proof, That Wisden...
Plagiarised? certainly copied or used another man's work.   
More Horse Racing and

The First Cricket Reports

      This is a particularly important page for those interested in the earliest years of Wisden's Almanack   and in particular the 1864 first edition of Wisden containing as it does a 2nd  proof  beyond reasonable doubt that Wisden and or his editor copied the work of Francis Emilius Cary Elwes.  Sandwiched between this  2nd  proof and the 2 pages of horse racing and 4 pages of diary   are the first of the cricket reports for 1863. There are many more cricket reports for the 1863 season to come.  It doesn't take a genius after reading this proof,  the earlier university rowing page proof  and the cricket reports in this section and later sections of MS. to realise the strong possibility that this manuscript  is the original source manuscript that led to the creation and evolution of the 1864 first edition of Wisden's Almanack  and!  through the cricket reports within this manuscript, the subsequent editions  of Wisden containing bowling analysis, cricket reports and schools cricket reports. 

May 1863



Rackets at Princes. Minnie and Cato to Crystal Palace for concert . It being the 1st of May - all London was on the move carrying flowers etc. dreadfully hot most powerful sun.


2. SATURDAY       2h. 51m  A.M.

To Hudson's for light box of cigar tube - met Lincoln & we made arrangements about my going to Walland - with the two girls - To Duke's Motto of the Olympic Piece or rather acting - (??????) Fechtor perfectly wonderful - much pleased - The theatre beautifully and tastefully decorated -


3. SUN. 4. AFT. EASTER. 

Read " Heart of MIDLOTHIAN," very hard - Changed the evening meal to tea (heavy ) at 7 1/2 - to give the girls a good walk - Went into town got cigars at the Club -Lindow not at home An hour at Wisden's Read The Waverley vigourously - Old Mortality Heart of Midlothian -



AT Hudson's and Goude's? - Wrote letters - got foot sore by the flags- my old complaint - Larry called in the evening about tackle - Dined at the old time - Carry went to Woolwich  --     (?????)



Carry returned from her trip to Woolwich

Same kind of weather - hot as blazes & a good deal of rain fell - but not enough to do any real good Larry Birch called and we tried to do something about my salmon tackle - late tea - got even more footsore -



Fishing tackle  Came home - and I determined on going to Devonshire - I went into town and did one or two odds and ends -



Did not feel particularly well - and felt all the more anxious for the sea air- Helen came over -  She and Roman were going to Italy very shortly -


8. FRIDAY 1/2 Qr Day Easter Term E.  

To Walland per South Eastern a most capital train  - no change for Bideford -          

I am unsure what to make of the illustration if it is a self portrait


May 1st

Princes was a club where rackets  was played and of which Elwes was a member.

The weather records show that 1863 was something of a golden summer.


May 2nd

Lincoln was a brother

Fechtor is Charles Albert Fechter an Anglo - French actor

Walland refers to Walland Cary estate near Clovelly in Devon  where his mother lived.


May 3rd

Heart of Midlothian is a  novel by Sir Walter scott. In his day one of the, if not the most successful novelist around. Nowadays unread by almost everyone and unsaleable except in good condition leather bound sets and used as decoration.


May 4th

"Carry went to Woolwich" from which see next day's entry she soon returned  I have no idea who Carry was but her going to Woolwich provides some intriguing links to The 1864 1st edition of Wisden's Almanack.

Firstly  the final entry in the 1864 first edition of Wisden gives an account of the bell at Woolwich being cleaved in two by ice. What! was that entry doing there? Where did it come from ? I suggest the source of this entry was  Carry's trip to Woolwich.


May 7th

Similarly with Helen and Bernards trip to Italy. Might that  not have inspired the entry  in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden for October 13 Antonio Canova the sculptor d. 1822  

May 9th 

"British Museum opens"   

There are a couple of mentions for the British Museum opening and closing  in the 1864 first edition of Wisden most noticeably perhaps the  January 1st entry in the Almanack section "British Museum Closed"  Courtesy of Elwes surely rather than Wisden


May 10th  

Walland Cary remained his mother's home until she died many years later.

"The Monastery" A novel by Walter Scott 


May 16th

Mr Veitch was a pioneer horticulturalist who spied an opportunity in breeding foreign plants who also sponsored now famous plant hunters to seek out new plants. For those interested in horticulture the name Veitch is worth looking at   








Walland Cary  was an estate that belonged  to the Elwes family. When his father acquired it I do not know but I think it must have been many years previously because the birth records for his youngest brother Dick show Dick  as being born there. It derives its name as does Francis Emilius Cary Elwes from the Cary family of Devon. They held land and estates around Cockington in the South of Devon and Clovelly in the North. Their descent can be traced back to the 12th century and a   "Sir Adam De Kari"   I have received information that it came to Robert Cary Elwes via descent from his grandmother Martha Cary  


Whether or not any members of the Cary family fought in the Crusades I do not know but I think it highly likely and if so this would provide a logical  link between the ms. and its author and the creation of the table showing the dates of the Crusades in the 1864 first edition of Wisden 


The 1864 first edition of Wisden  later lists the dates for the battles of the War of the Roses. At least one  relative of Elwes's  by the name of Sir William Cary of Cockington fought at  these and thus provides a similar linkage of origin  between the ms. and its author and the 1864 Almanack . He fought on the losing  Lancastrian side and like 600 hundred others sought sanctuary in Tewksbury Cathedral which was refused and was beheaded shortly after the defeat at the Battle of Tewkesbury.   


Members of the Cary family have been Catholics for centuries. Although F.E.C. Elwes does not appear to have been a Catholic he seems to have  had leanings and sympathies towards Catholicism.  A few years later members of his family converted to Catholicism and some became prominent Catholics. One of them went to the expense in the 1860's of building a Catholic church in great Billing. His wife and her family were  Catholics.  As a result of this I think it not unlikely that F.E.C.. Elwes was  responsible for the piece about the trial and execution of Charles I rather than Wisden.  


In the 1864 first edition of Wisden the centry for the 5th July reads  "D. O'Connell a Roman Catholic elected member for Clare 1829


There is a  branch to the Cary family in  Ireland too, which along with  the fact that his brother Dick married an Irish woman and his  niece Eleanora  was married to an Irishman by the name of Charles Fitzgerald a former governor of  South Australia and who came from County Clare may make Elwes  a more likely source  for the inclusion of any Irish material.


There is an entry in the 1864 first edition of Wisden headed Remarkable Events. It is a list of the dates of the Crusades. Not only did Elwes have  a likely family interest in these but there is also the use of the word Remarkable.   Like the words extraordinary and commenced they are common to both this ms. and Wisden.     


The entry in the 1864 first edition of Wisden at the foot of the page for the August section of the Almanack reads "Order of the Knights Templar initiated 1118" and   the  entry at the foot of the page for the September section of the Almanack reads 

"Order of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem 1099"  With  family roots that go back to the days of the Crusades the inclusion of these two events could  surely be down to Elwes.     


There is material within Northampton archives to show that at least one member of the Elwes family was interested in tracing his family roots prior to 1863.  


Is it likely that Wisden is responsible for the  above entries in the Almanack and the list of battles for the Wars of the Roses and the dates of the Crusades and the Irish material including that is not so far mentioned.  

MAY 1863




Walked down to the Mills to engage a mariner - tho' he did not turn out exactly the man my mother directed me to get - the cuisine very much improved and servants attentive - walked about tried to sketch - Finished "Taken On Trust "


10. SUNDAY    ROG.S          7h 15 m   A.M.


Drove my mother to church in the evening - walked about Talked a great (DEAL) about the future dispersal of Walland - Fine keen air - Finished "The Monastery"




Went on the briny on a small boat with a great mariner - Capt. Brown - had a nice little sail in the Clovelly direction until I got a view of the Hartland pt. or eastern pt of Bideford bay - wind rose - rudder unstopped and we had to cut got very wet but enjoyed it very much from the bracing sea air -




To Lundy Island - in a smack which I hired for the occasion - sailed from Clovelly sometime - 4 hours  getting there - the wind failing us - changing all the time - it cleared up then I went over Lundy Isle where magnificent scenery - and great walls of granite of which the isle is composed - the property of one gentleman whose about to sell it to   government as a harbour - capital voyage home to Clovelly - lost our way in our walk home- it was dark as pitch and the Holbie road impossible                                           


13. WEDNESDAY   Old May Day

Rained pretty hard - I could not get out on the sea in small boat  - gusty breeze - tried a walk. Took out a lent gun - knocked over magpie I believe  - arranged with Warmington for the TOR??                                           


14. THURSDAY   Ascension. Holy Thursday

Not a great deal of rain Mr. Martin called - took a walk on top - the wind too high for small boat - so had not much to do - nearly finished my books - had the gun


15. FRIDAY  4h.  48m.  P.M.

Felt very sick and ill and determined to go on Saturday - Found it hard work to keep anything down - got my things together for going -  



Got my mother's horse and carriage to Bideford - Clarence hotel Exeter - Attended evening service  and heard the authors of a Beautiful Cathedral had a futile walk to untidy  Mr. Veitch's Horticultural Gardens                                 



May 1863


17. SUN. AF.AS

10 a.m.  Great Western to town and of all the "slow disgusting trains" - I should say this is the worst - stopping at every station and not getting in after 7 - for the lost time went in a cab by the new cut by Rotten Row Wet expected - slept very badly -



Walked into town with Minnie called at one or two places with her - Wrote letters - to Dick - did a lot of back work etc  some time getting things right again - read a great deal - and talked about one or two things to be done -



Went into town to get opera tickets for the opera. Pitt Taylors called - got very high wind and deal of rain  - I got very wet going  in to Hills the agent in the morning - Italian opera  Garder? Patte, Fores, Radendorf good.



Walked a great deal - Called at C.C.B - not at home - at Lindow's - chat with the Misses to Pindings ordered stockings luncheon & 2 ???? at the club where I found Macdonnel - and we had a tremendous chat - Heard of conclusion of Derby at Bell's Life office. - Dined at Helen's as they were going abroad next day - Got letter from Dick                                      


21. THURSDAY                                    

Glass going steadily up - at Wisden's - ordered some gloves took Minnie to a concert at St. James's Hall reserved seats chorus  good ????? & Sims REED (the latter Rather hoarse) Arabella Goddard played as usual.



 Into town - then walked about the Kensington - Minnie at Abertghers matinee Oaks day  - fine but cold - a little sun sometimes  Dick, Ina child came in the afternoon.



Walked about the Kensington - escorted Minnie to Abertghers matinee Musicals - looked at the big trees destroyed in the gardens - Dick Ina and child arrived about 4 o'clock - great talk with Dick-


24. WHIT -SUN.

Went to the Farm Street chapel with Minnie Fanny   Zanzi & took luncheon with the latter gentleman - beautiful service at Farm Street - High Mass - singing exquisite - chapel ditto - Brought Zanzi back to 39  and his wife and daughter came to fetch him

17th May 

"Slow disgusting train"   still sounds familiar to many


20th  May  

Elwes clearly had an interest in the Derby that went beyond the fact that his father bred 2 Derby winners otherwise why note it in his diary.  The 1864 first edition of Wisden lists the Derby winners along with the winners of the Oaks and St. Leger. Elwes's father bred two Derby winners Mameluke and Cossack.  It is surely possible that  Elwes was the source for these 3 lists.

The illustration (see below)  and report of the Epsom Derby according to John Slusar Greyhoundderby website almost makes the reader feels they were there.  Presumably Elwes  heard it via the electric telegraph (see the entry at the foot of the page for October in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden which reads "Electric telegraph invented 1837)


May 21st  

At Wisden's again

May 22nd   Oaks day noted.  There is a list of the winners of the Oaks also in the 1864 first edition of Wisden 

MAY 1863



At Lords - All England v United shameful wicket - cricket quite dangerous - luncheoned at Lincoln's  United 109 - All England 89 - United 50  for one  wicket Minnie and Ini to M. (Monday) pop Went to Hudson's both ways  (cab?0



Conclusion of the match in favour of the United  wicket wicked in the extreme - but played truer - sandwiched and beered at the billiard room instead of going to Lincoln's - Dick joined me at Lords - in the evening Dick, Ini and Minnie to a farewell crush at Charley's



Dick did some odds and ends -all went to the dog show at Islington . All meeting at Carry Thompson's for a starting price - and luncheon- capital stew of all sorts - went in an open carriage   ( Minnies new Brougham man providing ) -  G. Murray dined here. Fine day but very much summer at last - Malton called when I was out -



G. Murray luncheoned here and went afterwards to Lords Household Brigade - I. Zingari - Dick, Ini and child went to Boulogne. Very warm again - the new sherry arrived  -


29 FRIDAY Res Ch. II

Went into town - at Wisden -  J.W.  (John Wisden ) at Oxford ordered clothes at Linney's - spent most of the afternoon in the smoking room at the club with an amusing book and cigars - overpoweringly hot - some pipes of gas pretty well - in the smoking room Minnie went to the Gathines                                             



Very warm again  - Walked into town with Minnie and left her at St. James's hall for a concert - spent much of the afternoon at the club - with cigars and brandy and water gradually got cool - Charlotte round to stay a couple of days



Rather wet in the morning - Wisden did not come up - so I walked up and found him entertaining a party of cricketers at his own house. Cleared up - called at Malton's - Charlotte still with us - some some  singing of course - Mr Pitt Taylor called-

May 25th 

At lords  

Elwes was a member of Lords for a period. Its not surprising that he should watch cricket and note the fact in his diary together with the note about the state of the pitch.   A full report of this match appears a few pages  further on.


May 26th  

Attended this match both days.


May 28th 

Dick wife and child 's trip to Boulogne. Is this what inspired the entry in the Almanack section of the 1864 first edition of Wisden for August 3rd "Boulogne attacked by Nelson with advantage 1801"


May 29th  

At Wisden's again  An indication of familiarity is evident by the use of Wisden's initials. 


May 31st  

A very interesting entry as regards Wisden. Firstly the fact that Wisden a professional cricketer of lowly birth was invited  to "39"  the home of a gentleman aristocrat is further evidence if any is needed that these 2 men shared a warm and close relationship.


Especially  interesting is the reason why Wisden did not appear. Entertaining a party of cricketers at his own house. Probably at very short notice and it presumably was not possible to let Elwes know of the change of plan

The next 4 pages of Ms. are horse racing and will not be transcribed 

Image (7)_edited.jpg
Image (7)_edited.jpg


(In pencil at the top of page 54 with a poorly written C perhaps not Elwes! but if not Elwes then  who?  Wisden ?)


The United and the All England have been getting their teams together & many good matches have been with 22's took place Caffyn got a capital wicket at Reigate - and played a capital match with his eleven most his own- town & county - the United had also two or three other  matches - one unfinishedin consequence of the rain - Mortlock, Hearne, Caffyn and Carpenter seemed in great form. George Parr in the North arranged some good matches with 22's and played himself and not unsuccessfully.The Law 10 - (Raising the arm) was discussed vigourously and ending in the favour of the law being carried out gave great satisfaction.


CRICKET at CAMBRIDGE 11 &12 Fenner's ground. Extraordinary - but the M.C.C. did not bring a whole eleven down, and were mean enough to accept the services of Lyttleton and Perkins neither of whom had the slightest right to play on the side they did- University - 79 - 86 - G.H.Tuck 36- 16 - 1 Hon Tak Grey 0 -19 - A.W. Daniel  - 3 -&14 - T.Fowler - 10 - 7 W. Lyon 6 (not out) Wooton 11 - Grundy 8 wickets M.C.C. 171 Hon C.G. Lyttleton (the renegade) 49 J.Perkins 67 (no right) Hon. H. Strutt 15 - Grundy 17 - Plowden got most of the wickets with his slows - M.C.C. (with help) won in one innings by 5 runs 


UNIVERSITY V PLAYERS - April 30th and May 1st - In rather unfavourable weather. Players - 106 and 111 S.Hayward 11-40 - D.Hayward 12 (not Out) 22  Barry 15 - 3 Nixon 18 - 6 G.Newman 17 - 0 Carpenter and Tarrant doing very little.  UNIVERSITY 55 - 157 A.Barbour 2 - 60 G.H.Tuck 2 (not out) 39 F.Fowler - 8 - 23 Hon. C.G.Lyttleton 21 - 12   Ballers? 9 Tarrant 9 wickets - T Hayward also bowled but with little effect. 36 balls for 24 runs two maidens- Players winning by 5 runs a most capital match . Messers Tuck Barbour and Lyttleton played most brilliantly - Daniel appears to have been extremely ?


M.C.C. V UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Magdalen Ground May M.C.C. 88 - 116. Hon. H. Strutt 28,16 H. M. Plowden 9 - 25 - Grundy 7- 19 -  


C. Marsham  8-22  - Biddulph 0 - 14 H.D.Walker 4 wickets Teape 5 - Inge - 6 - UNIVERSITY 193.    R.D.Walker 22 - T.P.Garner 26. P.W.Wright 18. R.A.Mitchell 17 - F.R. evans - 35 - S.C. Voules  29 - F.G.Inge 14 - Wooton 3 wickets Plowden- (slows) 5 Oxford won by six wickets - Linton (not out 7) - Hume (not out) 6 - 13 a very fine innings indeed. Oxford seem to have retained the best of their old hands and to have ressussitated their eleven with capital new blood. F.W.Wright of Rossall who played so magnificently for the North against the South at Lords last year.   Voules of Cheltenham (I believe) . F.R.Evans (dont know where from ) but both most wonderful gentleman .- A capital bowler Teape . Mitchell improving year by year. May well give Cambridge all their time this year . & it is their turn to win--

NORTH V SOUTH  Manchester 21st 22nd and 23rd May - One of George Parrs matches - arranged with the Manchester club - a good wicket was obtained- and the weather was kind enough to hold up. - some very fine play took place - on both sides  - but the North were too strong - the wicket was said to be good but the weather coldish - very few remarks are made but I opine if Hodgson could get 32 and Atkinson 21 the bowling must have been dueced loose or the fielding very bad - no analysis of the bowling is given in  either Bell's Life or the Sporting Life The Derby demanding so much room. The South had not  Lockyer , and the Nth did not play Daft or Iddison.



The above pages contains  the first of the cricket reports. Apart from the report below ( a great match) these few reports are very much in brief although later reports for more important matches ie. Canterbury Festival are spread over as much as 2 pages


Those who know Wisden at all well will I feel sure quickly recognise and appreciate the similarity in format of the cricket reports in this ms. with the cricket reports in Wisden from 1869 onwards and until the present day.             

There are a number of words commonly found in both the manuscript and later Wisden's. to describe similar occurrences. Commenced, extraordinary, and remarkable make frequent appearances in later Wisden's and can be read within this ms. In particular the word commenced has often been used by Elwes up until this point in the Shooting Diary. The use of the word extraordinary to describe the match at Fenners is  used on occasion in later Wisden's to describe unusual cricket events. The usage of the word "remarkable" to describe the same is to come.  In the match where the word extraordinary is used it should be realised that Elwes as a former student at Cambridge almost certainly supported Cambridge and Cambridge losing, in such a way was notable to him at least. Could Wisden or his editor be said to be copying !?!?!? 


The Law 10 which was concerned  the legality of the height the arm could be when bowling, makes a few more appearances in this Ms. Elwes appears to have been  knowledgeable about the laws of cricket and the possibility of their being broken in 1863. He was also knowledgeable about the laws of croquet as will be seen in later parts of the diary. When answering the question as to who decided to put the Laws of cricket along with the rules for some other gentlemans  games Elwes has obvious claims to have been the source 


The author comments about the lack of bowling analysis  for the North v South match given in the sporting papers of the day . He has more to say about the absence of bowling analysis  in some of the the following reports as will be noted as and when. But if one is looking for motivational impulses as to why Wisden began to include bowling analysis in later Wisden's an answer is to be found within this ms. 



The principal feature of this great match was the great carelessness which the authorities of Lord's displayed in getting a proper wicket -  in spite of the nice rain that had  lately fallen - when a heavy roller might have made 22 yards of playable ground. The first wicket was so bad, so full of holes - that it was changed immediately for another - but here a great many inequalities and worst of all a total or at least a most lamentable lack of grass was perceptible. Players one and all declared they had never seen such a wicket. An opinion which was well proved -

BOWLING ANALYSES - UNITED  Jackson 100b - 43 r - 6m.o.  7 wkts and 60b - 23r- 8m -1wkt - Wilsher 94b - 34r -  8m.o. - 3wkts and 108b - 37r 15m.o. 3wkts - Tarrant 12b - 6r - 1m.o. (1st Inns) Wooton (2nd inns) 143b - 46r - 16m.o. 5wkts - Hayward (2nd inns) 48b - 26r - 5m.o. 1wkt -  They very soon found the defects of the wicket nearly every player - getting a "hot un"  6 to 4 on the "Old ????  increased to 2 to 1 which goes to show what bad betting cricket makes. great interest was excited concerning te law 10 which the Club had determined to carry out. George Chatterton and Lee umpires. United took the bat - Jackson and Wilsher bowlers. Jackson always  fair , but it was evident that Wilsher had lowered his hand.  Nothing was done for some time and the wickets fell fast - Stephenson got it on the head a regular fizzer. if having just missed Carpenter - who played a very  good rough and ready innings he made some splendid drives and cuts and leg hits - four 4's and a five - Caffyn got a towzler on the funny bone and he gave himself out as he usually does when hit particularly at lords. - his wicket the 4th went for 12 runs - Newman's for 16 - 5 wickets any odds on All england - groffith then came , and kept up his wicket well - Carpenter showing great pluck and judgment - Jackson and Wilsher were bowling in tremendous style.  Griffith began to lunge out & Jackson got one past - Iddison played a most plucky most spirited innings of 24 and tom Lockyer came in with his usual assurance - his nerve is  beyond anything and he never gets hit - Iddison was the 8th wicket - Tommy bought out his bat with 14 attached to his name - the amount of byes were tremendous but the bowling was so terrific and the ground so wretched - that every excuse must be made - Innings reached 109 -

UNITED won by 70 runs.


BOWLING ANALYSES - ALL ENGLAND - Atkinson 120b - 40r - 10 m.o. 4wkts and 1 no ball- and - 40b - 35r - 3m.o. -  Griffith  119b - 34r - 15m.o. 6wkts and 64b- 29r - 7m.o. - 4 wkts 2nd innings Caffyn 64b - 12r - 8m.o. 2wkts - - 2nd innings Hodgson 41b - 15r - 3m.o. 3wkts - 

Jackson and Tarrant took their places to the bowling of Atkinson and Griffith - Lockyer (captain ) showing great judgement in pushing the left hand bowler against the hill they both bowled splendidly - had not seen Griffith in such form for a long time - Atkinson soon disposed of Jackson - griffith of Stephenson ( the penalty of a bad wicket in this case) - 2 wkts for 12 - Tarrant followed very  soon -  Hayward played a most plucky innings with his own peculiar grace - gaining 30 by four 4's 3 dives and a cat?  for  a three two and singles - Daft could make nothing of Griffith the fault not his (bad hand ) George not much at home got 8 caught by Caffyn 50 runs 6 wickets - Alfred Clarke went very soon Tinley who never touched a ball soon went. Caeser all this time playing well and steadily - the safe hands of Carpenter made another good catch Caeser got two 4's - cut and drive a two and singles - the only other double figure - Wilsher brought out his bat well for 9- but Wooton could not keep up his wicket long enough to do any real good. Innings 92 - the bowling of Atkinson was exquisite and Griffith had the wicket to suit him - neither of them were changed - the fielding of the united was magnificent and the long stopping of Mortlock his own - Tom lockyer never left the wicket all the bumping and made one or two capital efforts at stumping  - which kept them at home however- The United sent in Mortlock and Hearne.The former out leg before after making 10 - Iddison joined Hearne and both pillaged well - Iddison in very fine style  - when the stumps were drawn - the score stood - 1 wicket for 47 runs ???? Betting 6 to 4 on the United -




On Tuesday Idddison and Hearne resumed their  places and with some luck kept their wickets up till Hayward coming on at jakson's end got Jackson caught in the slips - after scoring 20 runs in good style - some being good hits - he got much punished and I believe broke a finger - indeed pretty nearly everybody got a "hot un" - Griffith made a fine drive for 4 when Wooton  settled him. Hearne gave a skyer to Wilsher at cover pt. - and retired and a very good innings his 44 was - I never saw him play better A 5 (drive) two 4's (drives) five threes - a two and singles - 4 wickets 115 runs  - carpenter made splendid drives in his 24 a 5 and ? from Wooton and 4 to the pavillion from Hayward a three two 2's and singles five wickets 129 runs - or 148 runs on- 3to 1 on the United - Caffyn soon retired as I expected. Grundy also went - the second ball well caught at midwicket by Daft. Young Newman soon departed - the wickets too much for him- Atkinson stepped in with Lockyer - the renowned played a fastr game in his usual plucky manner trying to get all the bowling himself - I must say here that in lockyer's first innings he was badly missed by  - Clarke - and Tinley in Carpenter's second ought to have him  - too hot for him- Extras heavy again - in fact the fielding of the ALL England was not nearly as good as that of the UNITED - Innings closed for 150 at half past 2 - After dinner ALL England sent in Wilsher and Ceaers to the bowling of Griffith and Atkinson as before - Griffith in his 3rd over floored Ceaser - and the 4th sent Atkinson back - 2wkts - 9 runs and then Stephenson and Hayward ran up the score to 52 when Stephenson gave a chance to long leg which was well taken by Newman. - Hayward's stumps were lowered next over   Stephenson's bold innings comprised a 4 four 3's - two 2's - Hauward played well for his 14 - Daft came in to hit but skyed one to short leg but put on 11    not bad a maimed ???   Parr was caught by the long stop after getting 9 - in which was one great cut for 4 - Hodgson and Caffyn were now exchanged for Atkinson and Griffith - some what tired - Tom showed great skill in his management , Hodgson and Caffyn bowled extremely well - and destroyed the remaining wickets- a great victory ensuing for the UNITED - The Law 10 was fairly carried out and the only man that seemed inclined to raise his hand was Wooton - may they have a better wicket next year - I believe that every man nearly received some little punishment

The second proof that Wisden...Plagiarised?  

FORMER MATCHES  June 1st 1857 lords (Cricketers fund) . ALL ENGLAND won by 5 wickets. July 1857 Lords (Dean's benefit) ALL ENGLAND win by 133 runs - June 7th 1858Lords (crick. fund ) UNITED win by 4 wickets- July 26th lords (58) (Parr's benefit). ALL ENGLAND won in one innings & 97 runs. June 6th 1859 -Lord's (CRICK.FUND)  UNITED won by 88 runs July 4th - lords ( DARK'S FUND) UNITED WON BY 9 wickets   MAY 28th   1860 -  lords (CRICK.FUND) ALL ENGLAND won by 21 runs July 19th Oval (Martingale's benefit) drawn immensely in favour of ALL ENGLAND June 3rd Lords 1861 (CRICK.FUND)  ALL ENGLAND won by 5 runs - July 11th 1861 Manchester (their own benefit) drawn in favor of ALL ENGLAND. Aug 5th 1861 Barker's benefit. The UNITED won by 115 runs - June 9th Lords(CRICK.FUND) 1862 - ALL ENGLAND won by 4 wickets. By the above it will be seen that the ALL ENGLAND has won 6 matches. The UNITED 5 Two drawn - one a certainty to ALL ENGLAND the other a good deal in their favour - 18 matches in all. The ground was well attended and Dark ???? £200 in the new  ???. Other subscriptions will be falling in .    

The  manuscript page above needs to be compared with the page in the 1864 first edition of Wisden for the Two Elevens to the side reproduced with the permission of Neil Robinson from the copy held by Lords Library 

A small understanding of plagiarism maybe helpful

1) It is said to be impossible to reproduce a relatively small quantity of words exactly the same in 2 separate texts when using 7 or more words in sequence .  This number is arguable but there does come a time when some  different words or forms of expression could be expected  to be used. 

2)  The deletion of a few words that would otherwise render a text  exactly the same as another is still copying.

If one compares these texts it will be easily seen that aesthetically they look different. Closer examination however  shows that the texts are almost exactly the same, although clearly some of the words in the manuscript  text have been removed from the printed text.


The page showing the results for the "Two Elevens" has been reproduced with the permission of Neil Robinson Lords Library 

This is the End of this section except for the correction of Typos or new Information.


Click Here for Part 6 Manuscript Diary for June Plus many more Cricket reports Etc. 


All texts and images unless otherwise stated are © Nigel King 2018-21. All rights reserved.

Design/Editing: Bill Archer, Se7en Marketing  © Nigel King 2018-21

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